♔Part L♔

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Merry late Christmas mother f u c k e r s better late than never lmaooo

Okay I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages but the good news is that I fucking slaughtered my finals I got A's on all of them and I ended my first high school semester with straight A+'s (aside from PE but shh no one cares about PE anyways) and I feel v v happy and proud but now I have my vacation God bless America (I don't believe in God or America all that much but God bless America)


Also feel free to count how many time ps I wrote a variant of the word "wonder" in here.

Troye POV

As soon as I uttered his name, Tyler's eyes cleared, as if he'd just been woken up.  Without waiting another second, he ran over to me, and swung his arms around me in a tight embrace, burying his head in my shoulder before I could even fathom that he was here.

A small noise escaped my lips against my will; whether it was shock or awe or fear, I don't think I'll ever know.  I was feeling too many things at once to really identify one overpowering emotion.

But there was one thing I was sure of: Tyler was here, and this was the first time I've seen him in weeks, and as bad as everything might've been he was here, with his arms around me and his nose digging to my shoulder, as if breathing me in would prove once and for all that I was here just as much as he was.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, exhaling a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I noticed that his hair smelled different - distinctly fruity - as if he'd stopped using the muskier scents that most Royals use. For some reason, the thought alone comforted me, and I felt my heartbeat slow its frantic rhythm, calming down to the point that it matched Tyler's.


How could he be so calm about this?

Reluctantly, I pulled away, shaking my head uncomprehendingly as I brought my hands up to his face, gently rubbing my thumbs over his cheeks as if to remind me that he really was here. "Why are you here?" I asked breathlessly, my voice borderline hysterical, very obviously betraying what stoic demeanor I'd had earlier.

He clasped a hand around one of mine, his fingers cold, despite his face being flushed; I wondered for a moment if he and Dan had to travel outside in the middle of the night to meet us. "He told me you were here, and I . . ." He trailed off, his voice cracking before he could finish. Clenching his eyes shut, he shook his head once, resolved. "It doesn't matter now," he told me instead, lifting his eyes to mine. "You're here and you're safe, and that's all I care about."

He tightened his grip on my hand, and I spared a moment to ponder it. How easy it was to hold on to him now, when I used to think his very touch would unravel me completely.

Maybe that's because I was already undone.

I banished the thought, focusing on his words as I let my hands fall from his face, not letting go of his hand on the way down. "That may be true for now, but I'm not sure of the same can be said for you," I told him honestly, finally remembering that we still had company in the room. 

Letting his hand drop, I turned away from Tyler, facing Dan and Phil once again, pinning a look so icy on them that even Dan looked wary, despite being half a foot taller than me and the one that had knocked me out earlier. "Was this your plan all along?" I asked, my voice rough with emotion, but harder than I've ever dared to speak it, in all of my eighteen years of life. "To use me as some kind of bait to lure him here?"

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin