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Also I think Ghost is actually my new favorite song so that's cool (I'm trash).

Also someone tweeted a quote regarding homophobia, and I thought,"Hey, that looks kinda like something I wrote in WTH once omg that's so cool," copied the link and tweeted saying that it was similar to something I'd written, and then the tweeter was like,"Oh yeah that's literally from your story lol." Long story short I'm an idiot and I can't recognize my own writing jfc.


Troye POV

"Oh, did I forget to mention? The Prince was keeping me company when I came to get you," Hannah said, seemingly unsurprised by Tyler and I's stunned silence.

"Yeah," I breathed, still looking at Tyler,"That would've been good to know."

Hannah shrugged, apparently not thinking much of her failing to mention her current company. She turned away, picking up an apron on the floor, and proceeding to tie it around her waist. "He's been in my room all day. I guess I just didn't think much of it."

"Glad to know you find me so significant, Hannah," Tyler said, chuckling, finally turning away from me.

She straightened, brushing some stray hairs - including a piece that looked cut shorter than the rest, as if unintentionally - behind her ears. "Oh, you know I love you, Tyler. I am letting you stay in my room while you're sick, right?"

I frowned, examining Tyler closer. He didn't look particularly I'll to me, but maybe there was more beneath the surface that I failed to see at first glance. "Sick?"

"Pretending," Tyler clarified, a rueful smile adorning his features. "I needed the day off, and Hannah let me hide out in her room."

Hannah picked up a few random items off the ground, stuffing them in the pocket of her apron. "I'm surprised he doesn't do it more often, if I'm honest. God knows Tyler never gets any breaks, especially not with the Selection."

I bit my lip, smothering a smile at their playful banter. I was surprised they were being this open in front of me, considering the wary way Hannah regarded me just days ago. But I suppose Hannah got her judgment of me then, and acted accordingly, approving of me for. . .whatever it was she wanted to approve me for.

And it was nice to see Tyler being so casual with someone else. He'd been fairly laid back around me, but I'd never been sure if that was just how he was, or if it was just me in particular. From what I can tell, he and Hannah have had a close friendship for a long time, and have a strong bond with each other, that allowed them to be informal and uncensored with one another. I didn't know the story behind the two, obviously, but I sensed an almost familial relationship between them, as if they saw each other as brother and sister.

"-I don't think anyone gets a break around here," Tyler said, making me realize I missed the first part of what he said. I shook my head faintly, shaking myself out of my reverie, as I focused back on the conversation at hand.

"Fair enough," Hannah said. "Speaking of which, I actually have to go back to my other work right now. You can still stay here, but I don't know how much fun it'd be if you're alone."

Tyler nodded, contemplating her words. He licked his lips in thought, before shooting a quick glance at me. "I think I'll stay here," he said slowly, addressing Hannah. Then, turning to me hopefully, he asked,"But maybe I won't have to be alone?"

He raised his eyebrows, and it took me a second to realize what he was asking. I blinked, and vaguely noticed Hannah regarding me along with Tyler, waiting for my answer. My eyebrows creeped up to my hairline at that, surprised that she didn't even have to consider giving us permission to stay in her room - her private room, that I'm sure no other Servant has stepped foot in.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin