♔My Thanks♔

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I'm happy to announce that this is now the most popular story on my account :)

Thank you so so so much to everyone who's read this story, whether it be obsessively or sporadically, discreetly or loudly, voting or commenting or neither of the above. The fact that it's gotten this far, to where I'm officially best known for my works under TheSugarcubeSaga on Wattpad, and to where people have come to recognize and even befriend me because of this is absolutely incredible, and I can't thank you enough for where it's gotten me today. And though I'm far from being done, and definitely far from being finished with this story, I hope that this continues to thrive and be read by thirst deprived Troyler shippers (and then some), despite the fact that I suck at smut and have to work up the courage to write anything on the physically romantic spectrum. But this fandom is one of the most patient ones out there (besides Sherlock and maybe Phan), right?

You guys live off of the waiting, don't deny it ;)

And I again want to apologize for not updating this nearly as much as I did my other stories. I'd like to give an excuse, but tbh, I don't really have any. I just distract myself a lot either talking to friends, binging on other trashy fandoms, or even starting other projects (Sober, Who Knew, my next one, the one I just finished but have to wait to post for a while, etc.) to ensure that I don't get sick of writing this story, like I did with Well, That Happened. Though, to be fair, at least this story has a plot that I can week with, and actually do have some things planned out ahead of time for once. And I really do love writing for this story, in spite of the few times when I need to think of a way to connect scene to scene sometimes. But all in all, this one is almost easier to write than YTM, in some ways, despite me updating that one every day effortlessly.

Um, I feel like now would be a good time to give some long overdue thanks?

WholockPhangirl like I wouldn't mention my wife first. Actually the love of my life, and one of the greatest and most chill people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting through this fandom, I couldn't imagine even staying in this fandom for as long as I did without you. Shani, you were my first real fandom friend, and even after over four months, you're still here, talking to me on a near daily basis. We've created a mini fandom together, you and I, as the iconic #Shope, and have witnessed people fighting over who ships us more. Not to mention I have you to thank for my eternal Sherlock trash state- there's always that. And fuck man I just really love you ya fucktard, Shani :)

aphanoftyler Aili Aili Aili I don't even know where to begin. Um, how about that fact that you're hot af? (Sorry I couldn't resist) but also you're one of the sweetest and genuinely kindest people I've ever come across, and you're such a sweetheart and so lovely and your writing is incredible and idk man I just really really love you <3

Elianapage as if I could forget one of the starters of the Troldemort fandom. Elle, you're such a cutie, with hilarious commentary that never fails to make me smile, and I just wanted to say thank you :)

bringcolourtomyskies actually one of my first and biggest supporters, you amaze and inspire me in terms of writing and in just who you are as a person. You were with me since the YTM days, and you're still here, the both of us having come so far after the months that we've known each other. Your writing is so unique and so you that I'm obsessed with it, and could reread your works all day, if I had the time and opportunity. Bailey, you're addictive in every way possible, and I love you <3

TrxylerPhangirl DANI JAAAAANE actually the cutest human on the face of the earth, so gorgeous and cute and adorable and every other synonym for beautiful. You're a precious specimen that needs to be protected at all costs, and your presence on my social media never fails to make me smile. Love you bby :)

capsels my dear dear Oliviangst. Without a doubt the most adorable child on the planet, and one of the most beautiful people I've been lucky enough to I come across in this fandom, I love you with every bit of my heart, and I'm so glad I could always depend on you with an idea for my stories and writing that I need help deciding on. You're hands down the most under-appreciated writer on this website, and your work deserves far more recognition than it has - and this goes for even when you become the most popular writer of our generation because I'm going to be here when that happens, and I'll be cheering you on every second of the way. Im so in love with your writing and I just really fucking love you Olivia18 :)

PhanMyTilly Cynthia Oaktrash . . . Where do I even begin? You're fucking incredible, you're such a babe, we're mutual pieces of fandom trash, whether it be for music or YT or Sherlock or anything else, and I think that's beautiful. I'd found you a long time again through here, and then you found me on Twitter only recently, and we've become friends since. I'm so proud to call you a friend <3

frantasticsara Sara, we've only really connected recently, but I consider you one of my closest friends in the fandom, and I just really really love your writing and work and angst (even though I hate you tru) and your writing is everything I aspire to be and everything I hate because I can't stand the way it makes me feel afterwards, because I always feel so drained, from all of the sadness. You're so adorable and cute and sweet and I just really love you :)

TroylerToujours Emmaaaaaaaa omfg Emma you're so so so incredible, and such a lovely and gorgeous human being that writes like a goddess, I literally can't even with you I just fucking love you so so so much. Your works deserve so much recognition, and YOU DESTROYED ME WITH YOUR SHERLOCK REFERENCES IN THAT ONE PHAN CHAPTER FUCKING HELL and yeah basically you're amazing and ily <3

topnotchtroyler Liya. . .I don't even know how long it was when I came across you, but then we slowly started becoming closer, and now you're one of my favorite people on the planet and so adorable and cute and sweet and I just can't with you Liya. And yOUR WRITING. FUCK A MOOSE. YOUR WRITING. I was so emotional and heartbroken after reading Remember?, and I remember not being able to do anything but fester in my sadness for a good hour or so, having to go through the Troyler tag to feel better. And then I made the beautiful mistake of reading your other works, all so devastating and so haunting yet so gorgeously written and fascinating in every aspect. I was a mess. But what I'm trying to say is, Liya, that you're one of the coolest and nicest people in the fandom, and I love you madly <3

And last but CERTAINLY not least, the rest of you guys, all of you readers, voters, and commenters. . .thank you guys so so so much, I love you all way more than you know, from the silent shy readers to the excessive commenters to the cult leaders, you're all my precious little fucktards and I want to hug you all even though I'm not one for hugging much. This story has had the most comments for a long time BY FAR, having over three times as much as most of my other stories, and fairly recently got the most votes. And to have it be the highest in all three (btw idk how to check rankings so like is there a way someone can see the ranking of this story? Just curious but idk maybe it's just because it always on iPad) is insane, and so cool tbh and idk man it's just great.

And. . .yeah. As compensation for coming this far, I will say: the King will die. That is all.



The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin