♔Part XIX♔

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Also have I mentioned that I'm Ghost trash?

Also go read Who Knew ( Troyler AU ) if you haven't it's a very light-hearted and fun read :)

Troye POV

As Tyler worked to get Caspar, Joe, and I through the Guard, and into the bunker, Caspar nudged an elbow into my side, getting my attention. "Hey, isn't that guy in our Serving group?" he asked, gesturing to a tall, dark figure through the stony doorway.

I leaned forward, taking care not to cross the line inside just yet, and peered through the thin crevice to see a familiar looking young man, who must've been older than Caspar and I but still considerably young, like most of the Servants in our Quadrant. It was Dan, the one who gave me a dirty look in the Lounge, while the Selected girls were announced on live television.

"Dan." I craned my head to get a better look, and added, smirking,"Nice hair." His hair was a mess of curls, which I found amusing to see, considering the fact that he was usually so neat, orderly, and what someone might call "anal" about his appearance. He wasn't dressed up to speed either - his shirt looked old and torn in a couple of places, and he was even missing a shoe - looking like a sore thumb in the midst of the pristinely dressed Guards surrounding him.

"What do you think he's doing here?" Caspar hissed, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "And why is this Guard being such a dick about us when he's already in there?"

I pursed my lips, not having considered that angle. How did Dan get in there, if there was such a tight list if people allowed in this bunker? Did Tyler let him in here, too, or did someone else give him authorization? Did he somehow manage to sneak in?

I banished that last thought out of my head. He stuck out so prominently that he would've been noticed right away. Although, if he had snuck in, would they really have kicked him out? We were being attacked, after all.

In answer, I shrugged. "Maybe he has a connection, just like you did," I tell him, waving a hand at Joe, who was helping Tyler reassure the official that we were safe, and not had boring any bombs in our underwear.

"Alright, you can go in," the Guard at the door announced suddenly, moving aside and letting us in. I sighed, relieved, and let Caspar and Joe go ahead of me inside of the dimly lit bunker, only to be pulled aside by a firm but gentle grip.

I jumped, jerking my head to the side in a startled movement, but it ended up just being Tyler at my side. "Jesus," I muttered, shaking my head,"Don't do that right now."

"Are you guys alright?" he asked, genuine concern pooling in his eyes as he squeezed my shoulder gently.

"What? Oh, yeah," I stuttered awkwardly, nodding. "We didn't even see any of them." I don't even have to specify who I'm talking about for Tyler to know that them is referring to the rebels. Who else could it be, anyways? Not to mention that this is such a common occurrence now. I don't even remember when it got to be so bad, but it's come to the point that most of in the Palace are used to it. Even the newly drafted Guards, or the Servants and Maids that have been shipped to the castle in recent months; they all know what to expect, and they all know that being in the wrong place at the writing time can result in harm for yourself, especially if it's the dangerous rebels that attack.

"Northern, then," Tyler murmured, more to himself than to me. He cleared his throat, and addressed me more clearly then, reiterating himself. "Northern rebels. That's who's attacking, not the Southern."

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin