♔Part XXII♔

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Remember when I used to update every day? Ah, those were the days (meaning my first three fics that I now consider extremely fetus and cringe-worthy whoops). Although, I did have a nice run with this story, for the first ten or so chapters so yano.

Also fun story: my friend wasn't responding to my texts yesterday, and she's in love with Newt from The Maze Runner, so basically I decided to make her really sexually frustrated by first spamming her with Thomas Brodie Sangster pics. She still didn't say anything, so I sent her shirtless pics of Thomas Sangster. Still, nothing. So, I photoshopped her face onto a pic of Dylan O'Brien's, when Thomas is kissing his cheek, but with the derpiest faces of her possible. She's aw them at around break time at school today and now she hates me whoops :) (there's one of the pics above)

Also writing this story in comparison to writing Who Knew is astonishing, like I can't believe how effortless it was to do that one-shot tbh. I' m not sure what this says about me.


(This line above is the very reason I'm going to hell.)

Also apparently I don't know how to stop adding to my Fucktard list omf (hey Olivia, hey Liya, hey Emma, hey Cynthia).

Also I have a 69% battery so that's a thing.

Troye POV

Tyler's main Maid, Hannah, gave us the announcement this morning that the newly arrived Queen of Italy, Grace Helbig, has requested that a ball be held, so that she may meet the Selected in a festive atmosphere.

And, of course, we've been requested to set the entire thing up, the Maids giving extra help to the girls, and the Servants doing everything else.

And it was to be held in two weeks.

Hannah and her partner, Royal Advisor Korey Kuhl, told us that we were to partner up for our occupations, in order to finish up in time for the event to be able to take place tomorrow, and Caspar and I immediately joined together, seeing as neither of us had any other friends that would be preferable - or friends period, really. Korey pulled Connor our of line right away, listing some vague reason for his departing from the rest of us, but I noticed that he wasn't the only person missing from our Servant's Quadrant today: Dan was also gone from the lineup, and no one could offer an explanation for his absence.

As far as I knew, he wasn't close to anyone, and avoided talking to anyone if he could, but that still didn't explain why he hadn't shown when our entire group of Servants was requested to show today. He could've been sick, too sick to leave his bed, but someone would have known if that were the case; everyone that is quarantined to their rooms from any sort of illness has to report it, whether it be through someone else or delivering the message through mail to a higher source. Furthermore, he was never found in his bedroom, and no one else knew were he was.

Korey dismissed it, saying that he was sure he'd turn up eventually, and that he hasn't been spotted by anyone around the castle. It was almost uneasy, the way he casted off the doubts and suspicions that flickered throughout the rest of us, calmly insisting that there was nothing to worry about. I was skeptical that he let it go so easily, seeing as how he was one of the highest ranking officials in the Palace, in some ways superseding even Tyler. However, none of us were in any position to question him, even if anyone else felt the same way I did.

Anyways, after Korey and Connor were excused to take care of whatever needed to be done, and Hannah gave us all our assigned jobs - Caspar and I got decoration duty, surprisingly - we disbanded, heading to work. Hannah gave us directions to the storage room that held most of the decor for Royal celebrations, and specifically instructed to use the banners and ribbons and other supplies that corresponded with the Italian colors: red, white, and green. Apparently, there were color-coded compartments in the storage room that divided everything into sections depending on color and pattern, and Caspar and I had to choose and use anything and everything that involved those three colors.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin