♔Part XXIV♔

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I have a feeling that this is the last time I publish for this story, while it's still the second most popular book on my account, instead of the first.

It makes me kinda nostalgic, what with YTM being the most popular for so long, and being the book that got me recognize used for so long, but this story truly is one of my greatest accomplishments (most votes and comments of all already), and I'm glad that this is the one that takes the lead. It's only about a 2K read difference, as I write this, and I have a feeling that it'll pull ahead with this one once and for all.

As for Yours Truly, Me, well. . .it was good while it lasted, and I'll miss the days that it was the one I felt the most prideful about. It got me interested in expanding my ideas, in going deeper in fanfiction, despite the admittedly shallow preside, and was inevitably the product of a fantasy that I'd visualized in my head on a daily basis. I never thought I'd actually write for it, since it was another weird daydream that I randomly came up with (incase you're wondering about my daydreams, they're very strange, and some are reoccurring, like the one where I'm a world class figure skater that wears all black with the hair I want and bright red lips, despite that fact that I've never set foot on ice before. . .idk why I bothered sharing this) and decided to make into an AU.

This is the main reason that most of my stories are started on whims tbh, because of where that one took me, and the fact that I updated daily without fail, and finished in about a month. I'll forever be in love with it, despite the slightly cringe-worthy writing that I've grown to have a love/hate relationship with over time, and it'll always have a special place in my heart. Sometimes, I consider rewriting the entirety of YTM, but because I'm a certified nostalgia whore, I'll leave it for reminiscent reasons. At the same time, however, I'm glad to see my newer works going above and beyond, improving vastly and making comparisons hilarious at this point. I'm excited to see something possibly grow past The Selection, but who knows? Maybe this will be my high point. But then again, I thought YTM would forever be my high point, so...

Yeah. It was good while it lasted, but I suppose a fire that burns that bright was not meant to last, even after seven months of being my top story. Farewell, YTM.

(Yes I got emotional over a story I wrote but stfu half of you wouldn't know who I was without that story.)

Tyler POV

After leaving Troye to resume his work (with some encouragement that he take his break soon enough), I making way to discuss the matter at hand with my father, knowing that the more time he has to plan for a larger party, the more likely it will be to convince him to allow the entirety of the staff.

Honestly, the idea of inviting every single Maid and Servant in the Palace. I knew that there was practically no chance of my father liking the idea, and the thought of him giving a green light on it sounded delusional. He barely even tolerated the presence of the Servants, only keeping them around to do all of the dirty work that he could never even consider thinking about doing for himself, let alone actually execute them. He even used to have them stay out of sight, besides the ones that are bringing the food to the table, and things like that. The Maids, he's more tolerant towards, but only because they're more for show to him, anyways. A pretty face to look at, when he absolutely has to view someone below him.

Keeping that in mind, I honestly have no clue why I spouted the idea out, especially to Troye. Of course, Troye coming would definitely make the evening more enjoyable, since I'm bound to be surrounded by the girls of the Selection either competing for my attention, or Queen Grace's. I'd probably end up either sharing polite small talk with them at a minimum, or evading them entirely - though I can't ditch the night completely, since I'm the reason they're all here in the first place.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin