♔Part XVI♔

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http://open.spotify.com/track/2MOIPyRXw0jerVZmefEsYS Also listen to this I'm addicted and I haven't stopped listening to it for days ever since I heard it in the background of a Johnlock fan video ( yes I'm still Johnlock trash sue me that's why I haven't updated )

Troye POV

After a while longer in the kitchen ( and the discovery of the glorious delectable substance known as Nutella ), we decided that it would probably be a good idea to head back out so that Tyler could won't be spending too much time away from whatever he has to do today, and he offered to walk me back.

On the way back, I thought about everything Tyler said to me, and felt my heart swell with admiration and sentiment at this man that I've spent so much time resenting over the many years I've been a Servant here. Here I was, making him out to be some sort of Satan's spawn, when it turns out that he was actually kept in the dark from many secrets of what really goes down in the nation that he supposedly has a large portion of power over. This was proven by the fact that he was completely oblivious to the poor conditions of Maid/Servant life.

And then here he was, insisting he'd do everything in his power to change the way I was being treated, and saying that I deserved better, and treating me to food that none of the staff had access to. Within just a couple of weeks, he's proven himself to be a much better man than I've ever given him credit for.

When he promised me that he'd do whatever he could to fix our conditions, I knew then and there that I completely misjudged him. Sure, he was born into this life by a stroke of luck, and has more privilege than 99.9% of the Kingdom of Illéa, but he was no where near the stuck up son of a bitch I've always pictured in my mind.

Another sudden realization: I respected him. I really, truly did.

If you asked me if I respected him two weeks ago - and I was actually allowed to answer honestly - I would've laughed in your face. Now, my opinion of the eighteen year old Prince has changed completely in such a short time span. It's such a stark contrast to before, and so far off of my instinctual beliefs ( I'm usually spot on when it comes to me gut feeling about people in general ), that I'm completely taken aback by the insanity of it all. It was hard to keep up with.

"Room 221B, right?" (( I'm trash ))

I nodded, too busy to answer him verbally for a moment as I licked the remaining chocolates spread off of my fingers. Maybe it wasn't the most sanitary thing, and maybe it was improper to do it in front of the Prince of the entire nation, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he appeared to be genuinely amused by the sight of my infatuation with Nutella.

"Yup," I replied easily, which was a stark contrast to how I've acted around Tyler the last few times we've been in each other's presences. I'd behaved so coldly around him the first time we met, because I had assumed that he was corrupt, calculating, and an overall control freak who abused his given privilege. Now, however, I suspect that maybe he didn't take after his father, after all. "How did you find out where I lived, anyways?"

He shrugged, clasping his hands behind his back in a gesture that I've long ago learned was a sign of nerves. I distinctly remember Connor doing the same thing the first time we saw each other, he day after I caught him and the Closet Guy together. "I have my ways," he said vaguely, though I guess it's not completely wrong. He is one of the highest ranking people in the entire country - he could probably request the entire staff of Maids to wear lingerie in their daily work, if the idea pleased him.

Hypothetically, of course. I don't think he'd ever actually demand that.

I swing a side glance in his direction as I wiped my sticky fingers against my pant leg, hoping to get rid of the grimy texture that I've grown to hate over the years. Despite the questioning look, however, he noticed my frustration over my tacky fingers, and tucked a hand inside his coat in search of something. "Here," he said, as he pulled out a disinfectant cloth from a disclosed compartment underneath the formal attire.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin