♔Part XXIX♔

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So I was supposed to stay home from school today to ditch the talent show (because we just spend the entire day prepping for it and if you go you have to perform in an all school choir at the end which I loathe) and I was just planning on being home alone and doing nothing, but no. Because yesterday, I broke my fucking tooth. While eating cheez-its. Literally half of the tooth broke off (it was a filled in tooth long story short I had a tooth surgery five years ago and now it's biting me in the ass because karma's a bitch) and then I had to go to the dentist at 8 in the morning to get it fixed nidejdinef.

Btw shout out to Kai for helping me out with ideas for this part thanks Kai.

Also to whoever it was that suggested Tyler having this particular conversation in the first place. I forgot who that was, but if it was you thanks dude.

Also my name is Twitter rn is literally 'Hopeless Hope' I deserve an award for this.

On the bright side, Tyler was on Ellen :)

Three Days Later

Tyler POV

"Well, I had a great time with you today, Tyler," Zoë Sugg said, beaming at me at her door.

"I did too," I told her, and to my surprise, I found that I actually meant it. It was my second date with Zoë, and after finally making my rounds with the Ladies, I'd decided to choose her to go first for the second dates. She was really laid back, but could hold a conversation effortlessly, and almost always managed to pull a laugh out of me. If it were under completely different circumstances, I'd even consider befriending her, as I had a feeling that she'd be a very good companion to have on more than one occasion. She just had an authentic personality to her that drew me in, with her constant smile that I could tell was never forced, and her bubbly laugh.

There was something else about her that I liked too, something safe that I couldn't quite identify. Maybe it was because she wasn't trying at all to win me over, the way some of the other girls - like Lisa - had done. She didn't make herself inhumanly perfect and she was around me, or hold back when she was being honest, and I even got the feeling that if I didn't end up choosing her, she wouldn't be disappointed at all. Not so much because she'd never grow to like me, as much as she respected my choices, and if I never fell for her, she wouldn't be mad. Being around her, I didn't feel much like I was playing a game. I even felt myself relaxing, my facade loosening and my more natural self shining through during a few moments.

After today, I'd decided that she was my favorite of the girls so far. I didn't necessarily want to date her or sleep with her or marry her (not that I'd ever explain why) but still, even if I ended up marrying someone else, I'd still want to be friends after this. I got the feeling that if I ever wanted advice, I could go to her, and she would just wait patiently for me to finish before giving her own thoughtful suggestions; God knows I don't have enough people I can go to without being embarrassed or worried by what I came to them with.

"So, I guess I'll see you at Queen Grace's ball, yeah?" she asked, quirking her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, definitely," I confirmed. "Just think, in only a week, you'll get to meet Her Majesty of Italy yourself."

"Don't remind me," she moaned, gushing in her excitement. "I'm probably going to be drooling the entire time just being in the same room as her."

I nodded. "Trust me, when I met her, I was kinda awestruck myself. But she's actually really cool, even though I'd only been with her once with my parents for a few minutes. I didn't actual,y get to talk to her much, since I was mostly just going to ask my father something, but I definitely like her." I paused, then added,"She's got a bit of a sense of human, too."

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin