♔Part VII♔

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The Next Day

Troye POV

I was sweeping the Servants' Lounge, as it was my turn that week to do the tidying up for our quarters, when a maid named Hannah came in, announcing to everyone present,"Attention. I've received a message from the King that everyone is required to watch the new airing of the Royal News tonight, at exactly 19:00."

He nodded, muttering under our breaths that we understood, and she left without another word, her heels clicking against the floor and creating a harsh echo throughout the room. Exchanges were glanced between everyone, clearly knowing that it probably had to with the Selection. Of course, from what I could tell, I knew more about what was going on with it, having heard Prince Tyler himself talk to me about it, but even I didn't know what might be said tonight. I was anxious, though, since I knew he didn't want any part of it in the first place.

Then again, would he even be there? Or would it simply be the King informing everyone about what was to come? Or would it simply be Mamrie, or another news anchor? And I had to wonder that, if Tyler is going to be recorded, will he be his usual public self, which was closed in and off-putting, or we the part of him that I saw just a week or so ago shine through?

I had to wonder if he was more open on TV then I realized, and if I just wanted to convince myself otherwise.

Or maybe he truly was exactly as I made him out to be in front of the nation, and I would just notice the difference now that I knew it existed.

Either way, I was definitely anticipating the airing to determine that for myself.


Several hours and an exhausted state of both body and mind later, I was sitting upright and alert on the couch, waiting impatiently for someone to finally turn the station to the news channel that it was mean to be on. I was getting restless, alternating between tapping my foot against the love-seat that I was positioned on, playing with the edge of my shirt, and humming under my breath; though I had to stop with the humming, do to the dirty looks I received from one of the guys sitting on the far corner of the couch, whom I believed was called Dan.

"What time is it?" someone called across the room to Connor, who was the one in possession of the remote.

"Just another minute or so before it comes on," he replied, clearly getting annoyed, as the servant who asked had been doing so every five minutes. I guess I'd be peeved myself, if I were paying much attention to it in the first place. I honestly barely noticed, though, my mind instead lost in thought over possibilities of what could be told to everyone tonight that was so important.

One of the possibilities ( and the most likely choice ) was that he was simply announcing who the Selected girls were, and when they would be arriving. It made the most sense, considering the fact that millions of application forms were submitted to the palace - I'm so glad I wasn't on mail duty the past week. Other outcomes of tonight could be postponing when the girls came, or some sort of change to what we all knew about the Selection, such as a bigger or smaller number of advocates vying for the crown, or what would happen to everyone going back home ( everyone received portions of money sent to their families while they stayed here, and everyone who was a Four or lower would become a Three after this ).

But I also thought up of a few other announcements that could be made, such as forming a new alliance, forming a new enemy - pretty likely at this point - or something having to do with the rebel attacks. I didn't think it could be that last one, though, since the King doesn't seem to think much of the provinces, and the palace has only been attacked three times in the last year or so - no casualties, only destruction of property, but that can't last forever.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin