♔Part XXX♔

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This is officially longer than any other story I've ever written, and I'm so not even done yet. Also this is already close to 60K reads omfg.

Sorry I didn't update sooner but yano I became trash for Wolfstar and yeah whoops.

Okay, so this chapter in particular has been something I've imagined in my head for weeks now, and while I've debated a few parts, I'm really really excited to write/post this one because it's one of the few scenes that I've actually planned extremely far ahead before, and now it's here. I can only hope I do it justice.

Update: I wrote the first two paragraphs, posted one on Twitter to show the difference between when I write at a normal time and when I write after 11:00pm, had someone say they didn't understand a word of it, and I ended up being too discouraged to continue it (even though I needed up leaving the paragraph alone lol)

Also I am Lolita trash.

Troye POV

After hastily throwing on the first pair of pants I could get my hands on, I followed Tyler as he lead me away from the Servants' Quadrant, still stupefied by his sudden arrival at my door. He stayed next to me, leading me this way and that, to the point that I had no clue where I was anymore, and in the back of my mind, I considered asking him where we were going; I was too dumbstruck, however, to form the words, though they rested on the tip of my tongue, begging to be said.

I knew he'd told me he'd arrange a time and date to teach me how to dance, just a few days ago, but it was hard to believe that he'd actually decided to go through with it. The thought of just dancing with him, whether it be a figment of my imagination or the result of Tyler going through with his word, hadn't left my mind for even a second. It occupied my waking thoughts, following me into my slumber, as the visual became more vivid in an unfiltered dream. It was impossible to diminish, the fabricated image clinging to my mind like a magnet, simultaneously a sweet dream and a beautiful nightmare, as it was both something that I longed for and something that had been promised to me, but something that I couldn't and shouldn't enjoy the way that I did.

Of course it was hard to believe. How often does a dream actually become reality?

Sensing my overwhelming confusion, Tyler explained,"We're going to the Ballroom, but I didn't want to run into any Guards along the way, so I'm talking a different route."

I nodded. "There's no one in there right now?"

He shook his head, leading me to the right with a gentle tug of my arm. His thumb brushed the skin just under my shirt sleeve, since I didn't bother changing out of the t-shirt I wear to bed every night. The touch wasn't deliberate, probably an accident on Tyler's part, but it still sent a shiver down my spine. "Since it's pretty much almost done, they don't want to risk someone messing it up when the event's just around the corner. They don't even have Guards stationed on the outside, since it's not like there's anything or anyone in there at nighttime."

He drew his hand away from me once we turned the corner, the ghost of his touch still lingering on my skin. "So, we'll have the entire place to ourselves?" I asked, unable to suppress the hopeful tone in my voice.

"Yup." Tyler beckoned me to follow him through another doorway, and suddenly, we'd arrived at the same back entrance that Tyler must've entered, when he walked in on Caspar and I talking. "No music, since I don't want anyone to know we're in here, but we should be fine without it. After all, you only need to know the basics."

As he rifled through his pants pockets to find the key, I caught up to him, asking,"Which dance are you teaching me, anyways?"

"Just the waltz, or at least the simpler parts of it," he replied, finally retrieving a ring of keys from his trousers. "It originated in Germany, but the Italians had adopted it at some point, centuries ago. I guess they liked the simplicity of it, being a part of their motto and all."

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin