♔Part XII♔

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The Next Day

Troye POV

I got the news of our break from Connor at what was possibly the worst timing possible.

Meaning after I got up in what I thought was late for my duties, rushing out of my room with a hazard appearance and sleep deprived beyond repair.

Yesterday, after leaving the kitchen to continue on about my routinely jobs, I had a fairly smooth day. I finished at about the normal time, went to bed prepared to wake up early, and never ran into anyone that I was more than vaguely familiar with. I never spoke much after parting ways with Caspar either, and didn't even see Connor for the duration of the day, which was unusual for him. But other than that, it was a day that would soon be wiped clean from my memory, due to being just another tedious repetition of all of my prior days.

So I woke up this morning, took one look at my alarm clock ( which I forgot to set, a habit that I've had a hard time curbing throughout my entire life ) and flipped my shit. It was after five, and I thought I was supposed to be in the kitchens early to make breakfast. After all, no one told me otherwise.

But at the same time, while I was grabbing the first button-up I could find, I had to wonder why the hell no one bothered to wake me up. I could be punished for missing my duties - unless I was horribly sick - but even then, I'd be chided to a certain degree for not notifying anyone of my day taken off. It made me wonder worriedly if there was some sort of rebel attack that I slept through, and everyone was hiding out in the bunkers, like the last time one of the groups attacked. Or if I was going to be kicked out of the palace, lowered to an Eight, and that they just decided to give me one last chance to rest halfway decently.

But as soon as I took two steps out of my room, just about the slam the door behind me, I smacked straight into Connor.

The impact of my rushing self forced him back a few steps. Regaining his balance, he looked at me in utter confusion. "Troye, what are you doing up so early?"

I gawked at him, wondering if I was trapped in some twisted dream that thrived off of my bafflement. "I woke up late, didn't I? I have to be at the kitchen to help with breakfast." I asked, unable to hide the bitter undertones of my voice. But I couldn't help it. Mornings in general tend to piss me off.

He blinked at me for a couple of seconds, before a look of realization passed over him. "Oh, no one ever told you, huh? Everyone under my watch has today off. Prince's orders."

"Wait, back up," I demanded, easing my hands in the air for his to stop for a second so that I could catch up with what he was saying. I was simultaneously feeling even more confused and frustrated than before. "We have today off? Prince Tyler ordered this? I woke up early for nothing?"

I had every right to be unhinged by this. None of the sentences I said made any sense.

He nodded, appearing dumbfounded by the fact that I had no idea, even though he knows that no one bothered to pass on the message to me. "You didn't know? It was when the Royal Family and the girls were eating together yesterday morning. One of them, Lady Emma, I think, told the Prince to thank the cooks for the food, because it was so good." My eyes widened at this; I was the one who cooked the majority of the meal, yesterday. Connor, taking my stunned reaction in stride, cracked an almost giddy smile. "Yeah, I know, right? Rare to see someone thanking the help for once. But anyways, he ended up calling Caspar out there, and asked him who cooked yesterday - which was you, right? - and then the Prince just told Caspar to let everyone know we has the day off." He clapped a prideful hand on my shoulder. "So, I guess we have you to thank for today, then."

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