♔Q&A Session♔

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IMPORTANT: some people didn't get notified for the last chapter that I uploaded from yesterday, so be sure to check it out.

Here are the answers to the questions given from earlier.

1) What is one thing I do besides write?

I'm not in high school, so I don't exactly do extracurricular activities, but I have done Volleyball during the seasons at out school for the last four years (( and we just win the championship, even though I said it a bunch of times already whoops )) and I did gymnastics from ages 6-10. I'm two weeks away from being fourteen, if that helps gauge how long it's been since then.

2) Wattpad crush?

Shani. Easy. WholockPhangirl

3) Spoil me? ( can't promise too much for anything but The Selection rn but I have a lot of shit for that one so yano ).

I don't want to give too much away, but while a couple of you have figured this out already ( those who've read the series, at least ) Emma is America, Zoë is Marlee, Bethany is Celeste ( but not as bitchy, though Celeste isn't bitchy after the second book ) and yeah. Not exact copies, but a lot of key parts to those characters show in these three.

4) Tell a secret? ( small, moderate, or OMFG ).

Small: not exactly a secret, but I'm a demiromantic demisexual.

Moderate: everyone thinks I'm a Christian, but while I believe in God, I'm don't exactly agree with a lot of the morals that Christianity teaches, if that makes sense? Idk it's weird but yeah.

OMFG: I watched a couple of Tyler Oakley videos about a year ago, and while I liked them, I didn't even get into the YouTube vlogging videos until months later, when I watched, you guessed it, the Boyfriend Tag. That's why I'm so nostalgic over Troyler, I guess, if because they introduced me into this world that made me a way better person ( and because TROYLER ).

5) Your own questions ( that are appropriate, but I'm pretty much an open book so anything pretty much ).

Submitted by teaminternetrxye : Team Peeta or Team Gale?

I fucking hate Gale. Sorry. #TeamPeeta

Submitted by Troylervjj : Would you rather read Wattpad books for the rest of your life or published books?

Well congratulations, Satan, for asking the cruelest possible question ever. But honestly, I have to go with published. I've read so many good ones, and I've seen some WP works get published. The Cellar is a really good one, even though the publisher fucked up my book, and I had to take it back to Target to where they didn't have anymore -_- so I still haven't finished it but I really liked it so yano. Plus, I can't live without PJO, THG, Before I Fall, John Green works, etc.

Submitted by bringcolourtomyskies : How long have you had Wattpad?

Originally got it in August, before I joined the fandom ( I joined August 15 but didn't know about TRXYE until 3 am the morning after whoops ) and read popular straight fics *shudders* and actually tried to write my own contemporary thing that was heinous and lasted seven chapters before I gave up WP completely. I tried writing a couple of THG fics that failed as well.

But then I joined the fandom, and HAD to read The Hummus Fic, and then I decided to see what else there was, and then I read When In Rome by staylovelyxxx and kind of got hooked on Troyler fanfiction since. I started my first fic *shudders again* in early Setpember.

Submitted by WholockPhangirl : Favorite stand-alone novel?

Paper Towns by John Green or Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. Easiest thing I've ever decided.

Because priorities from the bae WholockPhangirl : Am I the Scipio type or the Blackjack type?


Then the emoji tag again, since I'm deleting the part where you asked me stuff.

🐱 cat emoji because cats go way back in my life. I actually have seven cats, but a couple of other neighbor cats come over to eat all the time. I actually just celebrated Kitkat's 5th birthday yesterday, which was cool. But yeah, I want to be a vet when I grow up. I love all animals, but cats trump all others for me.

🌉 I really hope this is meant to be the Golden Gate Bridge or I'm going to look really fucking stupid, it's California. I live in California, I was born in California, and I've been to fourteen different states and one other country and I'd never choose anywhere else to live than California. It's so perfect for me.

😑 I can be described as a cynical asshole, so this emoji is kind of just the summarization of my personality.

📚 I love reading. You guys see my references, you know I've read a lot. Reading is my way of leaving reality, and I can almost always entertain myself with a book.

✏️ Of course I have a fucking pencil. I literally have 11 books of gay fanfiction. If I don't end up being a veterinarian ( but I probably will ) I want to be a writer. Dunno what I'd write about, but writing is so good for me honestly. We just had a history report given to us to do, which was eight pages long, and I literally finished in about an hour and a half. No one else has even finished it yet, let alone done it all in one night. Three people have even jokingly asked me to do theirs for them. My paper was used as an example for the others. This is what writing gay fanfiction has done for me.

That's all. If you have any more questions, feel free to DM me, or ask in comments, or even find me on Tumblr ( thesugarcubesaga ) or Twitter ( @LeSugarcubeSaga ) and ask there.


The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin