♔Part XXXVI♔

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Okay so because I happen to be involved with all things ironic I came out to my parents and IRL people literally the same day I posted the last chapter, which in case you don't remember, is when Tyler told Troye that he was gay.

I just

I posted a thing on my ramble book thingie yesterday, if you want to know more, but my parents were cool, my IRLs haven't spoken to me since (not surprised don't worry) and yeah I just thought I'd share that little thing with you.

Also NY was cool but please never ask me to walk that much again omg my feet are still sore.

Tyler POV

"You saved me," I sighed, the words just barely audible, even in the absolute quiet darkness of Troye's bedroom.

I laced my fingers together on my stomach, staring blankly into the pitch black room above me, as I thought about the events of the night, and the results of what was to come.

I don't even know what came over me tonight. I'd spent so long keeping this piece of information to I myself, only to give it away to two different people in two different situations. I'd just thrown it all out of the window, every fiber of my being screaming fuck it, and before I knew it, I'd shed the information as if I were removing a garment of clothing, becoming naked as a result.

In the aftermath, I'd received both backlash and support, torture and care, and hate and love. It was a lot to take in, especially considering the two people I'd come out to - my father and my friend - were held on such different spectrums in my life.

On one hand, there was my father, who, in a perfect world, would've supported and loved me no matter what, as long as I wasn't a serial killer. He would've been happy for me, consoling me, and reassuring me that everything would be okay and he would keep me safe.

Instead, Troye filled that position, not even judging me in the slightest for what I revealed to him. He didn't even ask too many questions, and had coaxed me into stopping at a few points, for the sake of everything. He was everything I could've ever asked, and so much more, having potentially saved my life tonight.

Whereas my father, who should've been good and loving, was the one who inevitably sent me to Troye for help in the first place.

I shut my eyes, shaking my head in minimal movements so as not to aggravate the slowly healing wounds on my back. I had no doubt that Troye knew what he was doing, and that he had mended what he could, but that didn't mean I'd be completely recovered in the time span of an hour. Not from this. So, I'd have to keep a low profile for a bit, at least until I can manage walking around and interacting with people publicly without wincing at even the tiniest of movements. Avoiding dating the next few days (because God knows I definitely can't stop now), keeping away from the ever suspicious eyes of Hannah, and staying as far away from my father as possible.

How am I ever going to be able to face him again?

Instead of dwelling on the thought, I dismissed it, pushing it away and burying it as deep as I could. If I tried hard enough, I could imagine the thought as a physical thing, being continuously covered by dirt poured from a shovel, until it was miles from the surface. There was no use lingering on it, so I may as well eradicate the notion entirely. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

I shifted slightly in the bed, biting my lip to keep from crying out. My back protested at the small movement, the friction of the sheets rubbing against my abused skin under the weight of me, and I silently promised to not be stupid enough to move a muscle again tonight.

Really, I shouldn't have to move at all for at least a week or so, but I knew that'd never happen. Even if my father didn't force me to, the Ladies would be wondering where I was, and people who saw me on a daily basis might suspect something as well themselves.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin