♔Part XXVII♔

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I liked Pitch Perfect 2 but I was thoroughly disappointed by the complete lack of lesbian sex.

Also I was trying to work on that project that I mentioned earlier, wrote 2k words, then deleted it because I didn't like the direction it took. It's not trashed completely, but I'll probably wait a while longer before starting like I did with Who Knew (I saved the cover in my works for over two weeks, having only the first few lines saved on there, and when I finally got inspiration, I wrote the entire thing after five days straight of writing)

The Next Day

Tyler POV

Despite totally bailing Lisa on our date yesterday, and the fact that I had scheduled time alone with both Bethany and Jenna today, I cancelled all plans and responsibilities set out for me today, feigning sickness. After the events of yesterday, from the impromptu confession to myself, to the date with Lisa that felt wrong in every aspect of the word, I just wanted a day to myself.

I'm not sure where my logic came from, in this instance. Usually, when I want to ignore something, I like to distract myself, burying myself in my work until it consumes me, occupying my thoughts and keeping my troubles at bay.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin