• baths and warm tea •

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[ please do not compare y/n to other characters]


y/n sighed in pleasure as she felt the cool water of mountain aocang soak her skin. the hot summer rays hit her shoulder as she sunk into the pool of cold water. her usual clothing was neatly folded , placed to the side.

"i see you are enjoying yourself , regina lapis."

y/n recognized the voice as cloud retainer and smiled. the bird perched itself on the stone paths while the god continued to sink into the water.

"mhm.. especially after having a hard day."

it was the aftermath of the two gods 'death' , so naturally y/n was very busy. sorting things out with childe and saying her goodbyes to lumine and her companion paimon.  zhongli and y/n both decided it was best to give up the gnosis as they saw no need for it.

"it seems that rex lapis can finally rest now." cloud retainer mused.

"yeah , although it still is a bit confusing for me."

y/n took a sip from her glaze flower tea. looking at the scenery , her eyes softened.

"liyue is still beautiful as ever.. such scenery should be remembered to the touch."

cloud retainer nodded in response as there was a change in atmosphere. the wind slowly blew off the yellow tree leaves while y/n giggled. anemo energy filled the air , sending a chill to her bones.

"xiao !"

a pale-skinned man approached the geo user , his forest green hair flowing with the gentle wind. amber eyes shined of respect as he lightly bowed at the sight of y/n before getting back up and opening his mouth to speak.

"lady regina  , rex lapis requests to see you."

she rolled her eyes at the sound of the man's formality. sinking into the cold water , her cheeks puffed up.

"just call me y/n i've told you that already , and of course. i see no problem in seeing him. there's no need to ask" the god smiled gently.

"understood , lady regi- lady y/n. shall we leave you alone ?"

y/n nodded as the cloud retainer and xiao left the mountain , leaving her at the pool.

ah... cold baths during hot summers are the best.

s/c hands picked up the tea while she continued to stare off into the mountains , from the cool waters of aocang all the way to the stone forests. h/c hair glowed from the sun while beautiful e/c eyes were gentle and soft. humming a song while nodding her head to the beat , a husky voice interrupted the god's thoughts.

"lady y/n."

she turned around and saw the one and only man named zhongli. a smile crept up her lips while making bubbles in the water , the cold water cooling her shoulders.

"yahoo zhongli ! why won't you join me ? it's suuuuper hot outside ya know !" the man simply shook his head while taking a seat on the stone seat while tracing patterns on the adeptus table. she deadpanned at his action.

"lady y/n , have you been well ?"

"hm.. feeling better. i was a bit confused but i managed to get it. but really zhongli , isn't it hot ? i bet you're sweating out of your mind." she giggled with a teasing look.

zhongli replied with a dry cough while sighing. he averted his gorgeous amber eyes from her sneaky e/c ones.

"w-well , perhaps it is a little warm.."

she snickered while gently splashing the water onto the geo user as a slight tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"so what ya need zhongli ?"

he took off his brown and yellow jacket , setting it aside while closing his eyes.

"i don't require anything from you , just wanted to make sure that you're doing alright. after all this chaos after all."

y/n smiled , unable to notice the cloud retainer and xiao peeking from a large boulder.

"rex lapis and lady y/n should just get married or something already.."



"man , zhongli you should have joined me in that bath. it's actually so hot that i'll melt.."

the two gods walked around the streets of liyue harbor , y/n's hanfu swaying with her every step.

"doing such things out of nowhere is not my thing y/n. although i do admit the weather today is unusual."

multiple of liyue's citizens whispered to each other quietly.

"she's so pretty."

"mr.zhongli looks so handsome.."

ignoring the small talk , y/n smiled while looking up to the sky. "hey zhongli , maybe we should give the bard a visit hm ?"

venti. barbartos. god of freedom. the bard. he was a jolly green-haired foe that loved music and alcohol. y/n and the anemo user somehow got along well in a way. maybe it was because the pranks they pulled off pissed zhongli off , or maybe because they both seemingly enjoy music and creating tunes.

"that bard.. all he does is drink and sing."

she giggled while nearing the teleport waypoint device. zhongli followed her in interest.

"no harm in just saying hi."

he closed his eyes slightly before setting his hand on the machine.

right before the two managed to make it to mondstadt , it seemed like there was a small mistake.

no , a very big mistake.



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