• miss lady •

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a boy entered the room with a rather dark expression , amber eyes that had slight red marks underneath. there was a purple diamond engraved on his forehead as green hair shone under the sun.

the sound of emptiness filled the classroom awkwardly as xiao made his way through the desks taking a seat next to y/n. the collar of his dark uniform was loose and unbuttoned. a bright anemo vision clung onto his left black gloves , y/n and zhongli exchanged concerned glances before shrugging it off.

"eh... he's kind of handsome don't you think so sakura ?"

"is he really a first-year ?"

"the three in the back look so intimidating."

whispers were cut off as the door opened again to reveal a somewhat young-looking man wearing a rather lousy outfit. he stood in front of the classroom and began to write his name on the chalkboard.

"my name is . call me yasuda-sensei. i'll be teaching homeroom and whatever whatever.. let's start with introductions starting by rows. and by the way , all girls are free to have my number."

his red hair reminds me of that bartender at angel's share. diluc was it ?

what's a number ? like , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ????

wait , all girls ? creep....

"m-my name is ozaki ango !"

"masamune nasa , nice to meet you."

y/n felt herself start to slowly doze off into space , her e/c eyes starting to droop slightly. xiao noticed this and gave her a small push with his elbow.


y/n and xiao stared at rex lapis curiously.

"and your last name ?"

last name ?


"just say morax old man !" xiao aggressively whispered toward him. he nodded while confidently looking at the teacher.

"morax zhongli , sir."

this stupid idiot... xiao and y/n felt their eyes become dull while deadpanning with disappointed faces. the introductions continued as the god stayed alert , intently listening to each classmate's names.

"tsukishima kei. nice to meet you all." damn he's tall.

"y-yamaguchi tadashi !"

after a few more introductions , y/n nervously stood up and opened her mouth.

"lapis y/n , uh nice to meet you." she then sat back down , s/c fingers playing with the geo vision on her hip. a sigh exited her mouth as the students continued to tell each other their names.

"lapis xiao."

this little- make up your own damn last name !

and then after a few more minutes class 1-4 intros were finished.


"that's the basics of karasuno and how we do things. now go eat lunch or something." people eagerly got out of their seats and went into their own friends or groups , laughs and conversations filling the atmosphere. y/n got up from her seat while zhongli and xiao walked off somewhere.

"lapis !"

she turned around at the sound of her name to see a group of girls smiling.

"uh.. did you need something from me ?"

local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now