• warm heart cold rain •

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rain poured down in japan. a frown laced y/n's mouth.

"gosh... i didn't bring an umbrella."

lucky xiao , he get's to go home safely since uto somehow convinced him to use her umbrella.

zhongli sighed. she looked at him warily.

"unfortunately , i forgot to bring mine as well. it's raining awfully hard as well."

y/n shrugged.

"well i guess there's no other choice."

he raised his brows. "are we running"

"no , we're walking." she replied.

the two walked in the rain , the sound of the 'pitter patter' replacing the usual silence. you smiled. "this kind of reminds me of liyue." he nodded. the walk towards zhongli's house was quiet. once the two god's finally managed to make it over to his house first , they were soaking wet unfortunately.

"the rain is really strong... are you sure it's okay for you to get home safel-"

cue the sound of thunder murdering y/n's ears.


"you can stay here if that works out." he suggested.

"y-yeah i would appreciate that..."

they entered his home rather quickly in order to prevent anymore rain soaking their things. zhongli offered her his dress shirt which was twice her size. luckily her skirt wasn't that wet either.

man... rain sucks.

"are you hungry lady y/n ?"

she took a seat on a chair and crossed her arms , resting on the table. "not really.. but if you want me to eat then sure." zhongli smiled. "to be honest , i'm not that hungry either. i suppose being an immortal being is one reason for that." she nodded in response while her e/c eyes stared at her geo vision laying on the table.


"how strange... i thought we had a second mattress somewhere."

zhongli and y/n stood inside his room. there was a single mattress on the floor covered by a neat blanket and a few pillows. he sighed.

"well then , you could take the bed lady y/n. i'll sleep on the couch for tonight."

she waved her hands in a 'no' motion.

"no it's fine ! i could sleep on the couch or something like that. i'll be fine !"

the sound of thunder and lightning grew louder and louder , causing her to yelp slightly. she inched closer to zhongli and instinctively clutched onto his shirt.


"you never told me you were afraid of thunder lady y/n."

she bit her lip.

"it's not that big of a deal-"

crash !

okay nevermind it is a big deal !

"i know this sounds weird but could i like... i can sleep on the floor just let me be next to you."

he laughed. "of course you can lady y/n. but you don't really have to sleep on the floor. after all , it could get cold for you rather quickly. you could lay next to me if you want." y/n felt the tips of her ears grow hot. did this man have no brain or was he just ignorant ? either way she gladly accepted his offer.

laying down onto his bed , she looked at zhongli for a few moments.

he's so pretty.

"sleep well , lady y/n. may you find yourself in sweet dreams."

she felt butterflies in her stomach at the sound of him calling out her name. "goodnight zhongli."

it stayed awfully quiet for the next minute which turned into hours. the only sound she was able to hear being the rain mixed with thunder. she sank into the covers even more as an attempt to block out the loud noises.

now she had an urge to wrap her arms around anything. it didn't matter if it was a person or not at this point.

why am i like this- man fuck being scared of thunder.

but it's not like zhongli's going to notice or anything.

she slid her arms around his waist and pulled him closer , breathing in his scent. it suprisingly helped calm her down.

thank gosh this bitch is asleep.

wait.. he's not a bitch.


y/n gently opened her eyes see a room she wasn't very familiar with , the sound of light rain calming filling her ears.

that was a nice sleep. time to go back to sleeping now.

she pulled the blankets closer to herself and unknowingly snuggled closer towards a rather warm body. too tired to even think , she wrapped her arms around a bare chest , embracing the warmth.

mm... feels nice...

all of a sudden a hand stroked through her hair.

"good morning lady y/n.." a deep and raspy voice said. she squinted her eyes attempting to recall who they were.

who the fuck...

she soon realized that voice belonged to zhongli and nearly jumped out of the bed. the geo user deadpanned.

ugh i'll think about it later. i just wanna go back to sleep. i could tell him i wasn't myself right now.

funny thing was that zhongli was thinking the exact same thing.

except he had to hold back from proclaiming his undying love for a certain person next to him.

and y/n also had to hold back from saying "i love you so much" to a certain figure that was holding her dearly.

so that's what happened.. well cool i guess. thank goodness we don't have school today.

zhongli placed a lazy kiss on her forehead , expecting her to not have a reply for his answer. she held him closer.

"y/- lady y/n please wake up. don't you have to go see a volleyball game ?"

she simply shook her head. "no.. let me stay here with you. besides that's like... later or something." his facial expression changed slightly before sighing.

"as you wish." slim fingers lazily played with strands of h/c hair. y/n leaned her ear towards his chest to hear his heartbeat , calming her mind.

i think i love this guy.


yes i didn't make them confess and yes your'e going to suffer through it and yes i will continue teasing you all and make you feel hell /j

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