• secrets between gods •

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it was silent. the only sounds heard were footsteps and a few birds chirping , and the occasional sound of elementary kids playing ball with their friends. there was a strange feeling filling the air. it was devastating.


y/n pursed her lips. "so zhongli , what do you think of the volleyball club ? do you think xiao would manage to find hope in his life ?"

he spared her a glance before looking forward again.

"they're kind people that are welcoming to those that are considered outcasts , of some sort. i'm sure he would warm up to them soon."

she nodded. s/c hands played with the hem of zhongli's shirt , which she was still wearing. she still wasn't able to stop thinking of the events that happened yesterday.

should i mention it ? what if he like... what if it was all just a dream ?? wait , didn't he say-

there was an uneven platform on the sidewalk , the type that makes you trip if you don't pay attention. the type that everyone would hate. the type that makes your shoes hit the ground because the damn construction workers built the sidewalk wrong.

and y/n ended up tripping on the poor sidewalk , falling to the ground.

poor y/n.

"ow !"

she felt her knee start to burn as she winced from the reaction.

"are you alright lady y/n ?" zhongli asked. he kneeled down to help her up from the floor. she awkwardly nodded. "y-yeah i'm fine !"

this is so embarrassing ! what am i gonna do !

amber eyes widened and he quickly began examining her leg.

"you're bleeding..."

"huh ?"

she looked down to see a scratch that was slightly covered in blood. the skin around the wound was red. "hm... it's fine ! i've faced worse in the archon war. this is nothing. now let's go zhongli." y/n stood up with no struggles , a smile on her face.

"but my lady , it's still an injury." he added on. "like i said , i'll be fine-"

the geo used sighed and swiftly picked her up in one motion , holding her bridal style.

what ?

"uh... zhongli ?"

"like i said , an injury is an injury. xiao and i can't afford you being hurt."

"... after all , you're too beautiful to be injured." he whispered.

"what did you say ?" she asked.


she blinked twice. then once.

wait , is zhongli holding me right now ? wait...

he is holding me holy shit !

she puffed her cheeks. "let me down !" he only smirked slightly with eyes narrowed. "why would i ?"

"because- because... uh... i'm heavy !"

"no you aren't."

y/n deadpanned and sighed. "that's what they all say..."


the two stood (more like one was standing and the other was being carried) in front y/n's door.

local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now