[ your woman ]

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"ganyuuuuuu ! your prince in gorgeous shining silver armor and beautiful hazelnut hair with seducing choclate eyes and a chisled sexy jawline and a big di-i mean- an alluring voice and with amazing volleyball skills has come to save youuuuuuu !"

"......... what....... ?"

a random brown haired man dashed into the scene so fast that wind started blowing and messed up your h/c hair. you , zhongli , and ganyu stared at the stranger in complete confusion. he dramatically wrapped an arm around the adepti and 'fainted' comedically.

"i heard voices and came as soon as i could , my dear princess ! tell me... are you finally relieved to be saved by your prince in gorgeous shining silver armor and beautiful hazelnut hair with seducing choclate eyes and a chisled sexy jawline and a big di-i mean- an alluring voice and with amazing volleyball skills ?" he then wiggled his brows in a inhuman way.

ganyu flashed him an awkward smile. "oh... uhm... i appreciate the thought oikawa."

oikawa sighed. "i told you to call me tooru ! use my first name alright. after all , it's an honor for you to be able to call me , oikawa tooru , your prince in gorgeous shining silver armor and beautiful hazeln-"

"okay ! ahem , tooru , meet lady y/n and mr. zhongli. they are my... close friends." she said. you gave him a wave while zhongli simply narrowed his eyes. "lady y/n and mr.zhongli , meet oikawa tooru. he is the captain of aoba johnsai volleyball team. as you know , i'm the manager here."

wh- what's a manager ?

you fiddled with the sleeve of your office shirt , which actually belonged to zhongli.

oikawa made a curious expression and inched a little closer to you both. "well , it is a pleasure to meet you two. also just in case , zhongli , unfortunately , i am ganyus type. so do not think you can steal my chance ! and also , y/n , you want my numb-" the geo user simply grimaced.

"i believe that won't happen. i already have eyes for someone else."

he then looked at you for a split second and continued to speak. "but it is a pleasure to meet you as well. i hope ganyu has been treating you well." zhongli smiled.

"hm... how strange. oh- also ganyu , i believe we both have a game to attend to ?"

ganyu perked up. "ah right. we should get going. you two should hurry as well." you both nodded and followed ganyu's steps. she looked at you and zhongli with an awkward face.

"... do you two not know the way to the gym ?"

"... yeah."


you were sandwhiched between ganyu and zhongli , the adepti's breasts brushing between your arm. you bit your lip and gritted your teeth. ganyu seemed rather indifferent.

"is something wrong , lady y/n ?" she asked.

"ganyu..." you said with a slightly darker voice. she tensed up and frantically looked around. "yes ?! is something the matter ?!"

"something is indeed the matter..."

"... it's that your breasts are too damn big ! give me some of that won't you ?! first your ass kills a whole monster and next you're gonna kill me ! you're pretty lucky i say !" you declared and pointed right at her chest. the tracksuit jacket she wore was too small that the upperhalf was unzipped , exposing the white t-shirt underneath. ganyu visibly blew a fuse.

"wh- eh ?! lady y/n , there are men here ! you cannot say such things randomly !"

"well then shrink those tits of yours ! or at least let me have a small touch of that-"

"uh.. we're here...."

the two females looked over to see oikawa also blushing and attempting to keep a straight face. on the other hand , zhongli ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "you two..."

oikawa ushered them to enter the gym awkwardly.


the moment the captain entered the volleyball match , a bunch of high pitched screams and squeals were heard from afar. you even managed to pick up some of the things they were saying.

"oikawa i love you !! kyaaaa !!!"

"don't push yourself oikawa !"

you cringed.

what crazy people they are.

ganyu chuckled. "this is normal. oikawa is actually very popular among woman."

"oh oikawa , you're here."

the aoba johnsai coach looked at him and then to ganyu. "i see ganyu is here as well. ready for your first game ?"


you smiled at ganyu.

"hey ! y/n and zhongli ! what are you doing over there ?! that's the enemy team ya know !!!!!"


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