• persuasion •

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the three immortals sat next to each other with their tables connected for lunch. zhongli pulled out a small box of almond tofu towards xiao. y/n swore that his usual cold and distant eyes lit up.

"i cooked this yesterday night. xiao , it would be nice if you ate this."

"there's no point in people like me to eat." he remarked.

ah , the never ending emo phase.

s/c hands took the spoon that came with the box of tofu ,opening the package. a smirk played on her face.

"hey , xiao. tell me , what day is it today ?"

"it's- wait..."

the yaksha's mouth opened his mouth to speak , only to have a spoonful of tofu shoved into his mouth. zhongli stared at her with a face filled with shock.

"l-lady y/n ?" he stammered.

"oi xiao , if someone tells you to eat , you do it. now start being a good boy and eat the food. you both need to eat properly even if your bodies don't require it."

"yes ma'am." they both said awkwardly.

a sigh exited her mouth as she crossed her arms. zhongli was unable to muster any words. after a moment of silence accompanied by xiao's spoon scraping the plate , he spoke up. "have you eaten though lady y/n ?"

".... i forgot to bring it with me."

"so much for telling us to eat properly !" xiao and zhongli exclaimed in their minds. the geo user let out a cough and offered y/n some bread wrapped in clear plastic.

"where in the world did you get this ?"

"yamaguchi had given this to me saying that he bought extra on accident. it's called yakisoba bread."


she opened the package carefully and broke a piece off , giving the half to zhongli. it looked similar to mora meat but longer and having a darker color. she took a bite off and smiled. "it tastes good."

the whole class was lively and filled with happiness. girls were eagerly discussing cute clothes they saw at the mall and some were busy filling out last minute homework. all of a sudden , a thought popped into y/n's mind.

"hey xiao."

"what do you request , lady y/n ?"

"you should... at least try to play volleyball or join their club !" she waved her arms and tried to put on the most convincing smile she could make.


she looked at him and pouted slightly. shaking his shoulders , xiao's face was stone-cold. "at least try to won't you ?! i think you'll be a great volleyball player ! isn't that right zhongli ?"

"yes i agree as well lady y/n."

the anemo user ran through his hair and sighed , head leaning back on the chair. "i will not have contact with mortals unless it is required." the response made y/n cross her arms and turn around to face zhongli.

"tsk tsk tsk , that's fine !"

zhongli smiled and gently patted her h/c hair.

no bc i just wanna start writing the aoba johnsai game and ganyu content

"uhm , e-excuse me !"

y/n and zhongli looked to see their classmate named uto sakura. she waved at her.

"do you need something uto ?"

she played with her hands with a blush. "ah... can i talk to your brother lapis ?" y/n tilted her head. "yeah sure. also he's not my brother aha." sakura nodded confidently. "xiao please uhm.. f-follow me !" xiao looked at y/n with a 'please-don't-make-me-do-this expression'. his eyes dull and mouth in a frown. she simply shrugged and gestured him to follow her.

"i wonder what they're going to talk about. aren't you curious zhongli ?"

"i'm sure it's nothing too much to worry about."

the one thing she was worried about though was if xiao accidentally said something that would make the poor girl cry. which actually reminded her of the one time during the archon war when xiao made a young boy start weeping. it was the only time y/n genuinely gave him a slap on the face.

"ah , lady y/n , your hair is undone."

she looked at him , attempting to redo it again. "really ?" he nodded. "turn around , i'll do it for you."

zhongli's hands gently went through her h/c hair , a content smile on his face.


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