[ what ? ]

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((i gen feel like im drifitng from quotev to wattpad))
as the whole team entered the gym , various volleyball players practiced their usual warm ups with an intimidating aura surrounding them.

at least that's what hinata thought.

"h-huge... huge gym... huge people...." this man was once again shaking in his own boots. daichi's loud voice boomed over the gym. "greetings." the whole team respectfully bowed to the aoba johnsai players. "nice to meet you !" they also gave a bow. "nice to meet you !"

you stayed close to zhongli , your arms clinging onto his. he looked down at you and smiled.

"are you nervous ? we both aren't used to this modern world after all." he chuckled. you gripped harder in response. "no- i'm just feeling affectionate today."

that is such a dumb excuse. i haven't gave him any affection today you dumbass.

"is that so ?"

"yes. it is so."

((i started getting back to playing volleyball with my church members and yesterday i was trying to recieve a serve , and it hit me so hard right on my neck....))

as sugawara and daichi were talking , and hinata was running to the restroom as if his life depended on it , you asked zhongli a question. "do you think we can go find ganyu here ?" he hummed. "perhaps , but maybe we should ask them if we can go. are you sure she's someone around here ?" you nodded.

"er... sugawara ? daichi ?"

the two looked at you and zhongli. "is something the matter ?" daichi asked.

"there's actually someone we know here... can we go and look for them ?" you said.

he smiled. "sure. just make sure to be here when the game starts. you guys are going to watch all of us play our best !" zhongli smiled and gave them a wave before signaling you to follow him. xiao stared at you two and sighed.

"those two... can they even find her here ?"

"did you say something xiao ?"



"hey zhongli , do you think we can use elemental sight to find her ?" you asked. last time ganyu managed to find them , she used her vision to find tracks of their energy. zhongli nodded. "that's a good suggestion. perhaps there will be a trace of cryo energy here."

after walking around the school for a few minutes , the two gods found themselves in the back of the gym. you peeked out of the wall to see ganyu filling up a few water bottles. instead of wearing her usual clothing , she had a blue tracksuit on with the cryo vision pinned to her hip with the red tassles swinging around.

you giggled. "let's go scare her zhongli !"

he sighed and awkwardly smiled. "hopefully she doesn't faint... again..."

running towards the blue haired adepti , you jumped onto her right with arms wrapped on her small waist just when she placed the bottle of water on a carrier. "it's ganyu !" you said with a jolly voice. ganyu tensed up and blushed. "eep ! who are y- oh... lady y/n...." she sighed in relief , rosy cheeks burning.

"hehe. did i scare you ?"

"yes , a little too much as well. oh ! rex- mr. zhongli is here as well." she said. the man strolled over and gave her a small greeting. you let go of her with a smile. "i'm guessing you both are here for the practice match right ?"


"yep ! oh and also xiao joined the team !"

ganyu perked up at your words. "xiao ? that's new to hear. i can't imagine him actually having contact with humans here." she then placed a hand on her chest. "oh , also , i'm aoba johnsai's official volleyball team manager."

you both looked dumbfounded.

"what ?"

she seemingly continued without any explanation. "oh , also , i'm working on a way to bring us back to teyvat."

now you both were even more shocked , standing there like stones.

"wh... what... ?"

all of a sudden , there was a high-pitched male voice entering the scene.

"ganyuuuuuu ! your prince in gorgeous shining silver armor and beautiful hazelnut hair with seducing choclate eyes and a chisled sexy jawline and a big di-i mean- an alluring voice and with amazing volleyball skills has come to save youuuuuuu !"

and now , zhongli and you were now dead from confusion.

"......... what....... ?"



also hehe... quadruple update go brrrr (including my diluc x reader on quotev)

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