• dignitas regia •

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zhongli found himself in a rather , odd mood.

and if he was honest , he hated it.

recently his heart has been beating so fast it felt like it would burst , cheeks starting to burn with heat and become a shade of red. the only thing occupying his mind was a certain young lady , named y/n.

god of spring , god of blessings and joy , retired god of liyue , lady y/n , regina lapis , or the rather odd nickname 'mommy' given by the immortal child qiqi.

regina lapis is queen royalty in latin. rex lapis is king royalty in latin. memorizing over 50 latin phrases during 6th grade is my only flex.

poor old man was flustered even at the sole thought of her.

xiao rolled his eyes in annoyance. he was practically done with him.

"surely rex lapis himself doesn't require my own counseling for his own lovesick feelings."

the two sat on a random bench outside karasuno , a few pigeons surrounding xiao. a small bird sat on his shoulder.

zhongli attempted to give him a promising smile. "well , many people say it's best if you tell a trusted one about your... feelings. as that is what mortals do." xiao scrunched his nose in disgust. "all mortal this mortal that. those beings are foolish. falling for such unimportant feelings."

"you'll understand when you get older."

"i've been living for centuries ?"

heres a random tea recipe to try: dried flowers and honey. it tastes nice , especially during rainy weather.

xiao closed his golden yellow eyes. the pigeons followed his actions , their beady eyes closing as well. "i personally think you should hurry up and tell lady y/n. like cloud retainer says , rex lapis and lady y/n should get married already."

zhongli bit his lip.

"cloud retainer said such things... ?"

"yes. now hurry up and go tell her before some other man comes and swoops her up."

the god raised his brows. did xiao mean that some other person would come and take her soon ? someone that was kinder , more gentle , more loving than him ?

someone that hasn't killed and caused deaths for others around him ?

as much as he disliked to admit it , zhongli knew he wasn't worth much. throughout the years and lives he has seen , he killed people , destroyed nations , broke peoples hearts.

although y/n did the exact same.

but he couldn't help but think he was utterly worthless.

the yaksha got up from the bench and gave him one last look. "although it seems like lady y/n is already interested in you. but that doesn't mean you should laze around and keep it a secret. anyways , we should get going rex lap- zhongli. before those humans scold us for being late."

he nodded without saying a single word.

maybe he should tell y/n sooner than later.

after all , there's just so many people to look for.


ganyu was... to explain in simple words... rather confused and dissapointed in herself.

if you wanted a detailed explanation of her feelings , author is too lazy to write it out.

the blue-haired adeptus awkwardly stood in between oikawa tooru and iwaizumi hajime. she wore a plain white shirt and a light blue-white jacket reading 'aoba johnsai volleyball team'. she couldn't help but wonder exactly why she said "yes" to the volleyball captains request of ganyu being a manager. she snapped out of her thoughts and looked around frantically.

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