[ ending pt 1 ]

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your hands were on your knees , breath heavy and heat setting into your skin.

"hah... hah.... i fucking hate you things."

the blue seelie simply went off in response , as if it expected you to follow it to it's court. you mentally groaned then let out a stressed sigh.

it's been an hour since you went out to search for your respective seelie during the heat of a saturday summer day. ganyu , xiao , and zhongli also went out to look for their own as well. you somehow managed to rummage through huge bushes and clinb through tall trees without practically losing it from the heat.

you were used to it though. after all , you managed to lift up rocks in jueyun karst (and also play catch using huge mountains with zhongli during the war) .

you were also now wearing your usual clothing. no more short plaid skirts and white blouses , but rather a short pale gold dress with ruffles and traditional liyue designs. the sleeves felt heavy on your arms , it's fabric almost touching the floor.

((me when moon chaser outfit:))

as you neared the empty field with four seelie courts , a smile bloomed to your face.

ganyu and xiao were already there. it seemed like they were talking about something important. you approached them quickly.

"what's going on ?"

"oh , lady y/n. we were just talking about you now !" ganyu said. the bell on her neck dangled quietly.

you blanked out. "huh ?"

why just openly admit to someone you were talking to them ?

xiao crossed his arms. "you and zhongli... once we go back home , would you two consider getting... m-m..." he cringed. "married."

your eyes widened , hands waving in the air. "huh ?! well uhm- that's for later i guess. or uh- you know what let's talk about that later." you said and put both of your hands on ganyu and xiaos shoulders. they exchanged worried glances.

"i heard my name ?"

magically , zhongli showed up to the scene with his strikingly handsome smile and glowing amber eyes. your grip tightened dramatically , causing the two adepti to tense up.

"it was nothing !! nothing nothing haha..."

"ow ! lady y/n stop gripping so hard !"

"my lady that hurts !"

"oh ! sorry."

zhongli seemed confused for a split second. "is something the matter ?" the three of you stared at him. "no ! nothing !" you all said. he raised a brow.

"anyways , i think we can go back to teyvat now guys ! thank rex lapis and regina lapis !" you huffed proudly. "wait a minute..."

xiao rolled his eyes.

as the four of you neared the circle of seelie courts , three anemograms appeared on the ground. ganyu walked up and collected the three of them , creating a wind current. you smiled.

"shall we go now ?"

zhongli took your hand in his , and you nodded , the last thing you could see was his golden eyes with fluttering eyelashes.



the whole karasuno team stared at the piece of paper in their hands.

it explained the entirety of your origins and how you came to this world , from the story of the archon war all the way to the details of liyue harbor. next to the paper was a dried qingxin and silk flower taped onto the letter.

"so uh... this is a prank right ?" sugawara said.

hinata and kageyama exchanged glances , thinking about the time they saw xiao holding a glistening green spear.

"i don't think so."


the second part of this will be updated in a few hours , and that completes local god :) will write a author note later <3

local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now