[ start of the end , part two ]

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((also i changed this pov , hope its ok with yall))

so like , were you and zhongli a couple now or something ?

you had no idea.

zhongli sat next to you at the dinner table , a cup of warm tea resting on the brown surface.

"so zhongli , are we like-"

bang bang !

your sentence was cut off by a rather violent knocking on the door. you and zhongli peeked over at the door. exchanging glances , you both got up and looked through the small peephole.

"is that... is that xiao ?" you said with a strange face. "it seems so. perhaps he is in need of some-"

"i can hear you two , you know." xiao spoke. his face was so close to the camera he looked like a fish. you furrowed your brows. you were slightly tippy-toeing while zhongli stood next to you with no problem. "h-how'd you get our address..." your voice quivered slightly.

xiao simply leaned even closer to the hole , yellow eyes enlarged and forehead practically being showcased. "you said how i got yo address ? ..... nah don't worry about that bro don't worry."

what the helllllllll.....

wait- isn't xiao too short to look through the peep hole ? how is he-

at the same moment , zhongli and y/n thought the exact same thing.

'this guy is weird...'

he awkwardly kept his face on the hole before coughing violently for a few minutes. the sound was muffled by the door , yet his coughing was so loud it was like he was right in front of them.

after his extremely loud (and concerning) wheezes , he rubbed his eyes and spoke as if nothing had ever happened. "hack- wheeze ! anyways... can you guys let me in the house please."

"uhm... sure..." zhongli said.


and here you all are , sitting on the exact same table. three cups of chamolie tea for three unordinary people.

xiao squinted his eyes at the two gods.

"i suppose that you two are now aware of the feelings you have for each other. so i have come to ask you of this , are you two now romantically involved with each other ?" he asked.

"huh ?"

"oh ?"

zhongli and you exchanged glances then looked back to the adepti. "i don't think so." you said. he nodded to your sentence and took a sip of his tea. "why not ?"

"well we literally- we literally just told each other thirty minutes ago."


xiao held his hands together. "then i guess that means you both will gain some sort of romantic bond and status together. from what traveler had told me... they are called boyfriend and girlfriend. stupid names..." he said.

you looked at him. "then that means zhongli is my 'boyfriend' right ? that's interesting."

"i agree lady y/n. it is nice to learn more about how to live more like humans." he then reached out to hold your hand in his , eyes closed and lips in a smile.

his touch was just so warm.

"i'm glad we had met at that fateful day in dragonspine , my dear."

you covered your face with the hand that zhongli wasn't holding , e/c eyes averting his gaze. "n-no need to be so erm... formal about it...."

xiao rolled his eyes and stuck out his tounge. "get a room."

"you're the one in our house xiao !"


short chapter today since this is the prolouge. aoba johnsai game and ganyu will happen next chapter !!! yayayyayayay

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