• amor litteras •

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"ahem , the truth is , lady y/n... throughout the years , the battles , the joys we have spent together , i have perhaps... fallen for you. and i would like for you to hear these words. i love you. you are the one i seek and wish for."

the only thing y/n was able to hear is his voice.

"i love you."

"you are the one i seek and wish for."

exactly what was she supposed to say to his confession ?

her heart was beating like crazy now , vision being blurred with tears begging to be spilled (she wasn't sure why she was crying , it made her feel very embarrassed) , her grip on zhongli's hand tightening. without another thought entering her mind , she mustered a few words to say.

"o-oh.... oh my archons rex lapis just told me he loves me- i- uh-"

he smiled. "there's no need to give me an answer lady y/n. i just felt like it was best for you to know-"

she hid her face with his hands and attempted to stop her heart from pounding so hard. "nnn-no it's not like that ! truth is , i have feelings for you too. and uh... uh-"


"- i love you too zhongli !" she yelled out in spite before quickly covering her mouth with a gasp.

why the fuck did i say that out loud with a loud voice- oh archons i'm-

((its so hard to focus on writing when i,m on the edge of a rbeakdown lol))

her thoughts were interrupted by the geo user cupping her face with his slim fingers.

"may i kiss you ?"

his eyes stared into y/n's , a feeling of warmth and affection sprouting deep in his heart. she nodded slightly with a sense of excitement rushing through her mind.

he leaned towards y/n as his lips touched hers , the kiss feeling intoxicating and gentle around the tranquil atmosphere. e/c eyes closed as she felt arms wrap around her waist. it felt like time stopped for a split second , the only thing in her mind being zhongli and his love that was only for her. one of his hands trailed down y/n's neck all the way back to her spine. she felt tingles through her body and an insane amount of butterflies in her stomach.

after a few moments of comfortable silence , he pulled away and smiled.

her hand in his , his hand in hers.

"i am so glad you are in my life , my dear."


ganyu sat next to hanamaki and matsukawa , taking a bite from her vegan sandwich.

and all of a sudden , she got a rather strange feeling. her head started to pound , but it didn't hurt one bit , and her stomach began to feel weird. she awkwardly looked at her food with a curious face.

"is my sandwich expired... ?"

the two volleyball players glanced at ganyu worridly.

"is something the matter ?!" hanamaki asked with a dramatic tone.

"you sandwich is expired ??!!" matsukawa continued to add.

the two boys said it in such loud voices that the whole team overheard it and practically dashed towards ganyu. iwaizumi was the first to speak. he placed a hand on her shoulder worriedly.

"are you okay ganyu ?! hang in there , you got this !"

oikawa was on the floor , tears practically flowing from his brown eyes. "our beauty manager... don't die on us !" mattsun and hanamaki desperately clung onto the poor lady with all their might. "ganyu ! who dared to hurt our manager ?!"

although the adepti was barely bothered by the boy's antics. she noticed a mark emerging on her wrist , the mark shaped like a meteor covered by flowers. her violet-red eyes widened at the sight of the emblem and placed a hand on her chest. "rex lapis and regina lapis...." she muttered quietly. the team looked at her confused.

"rex what ? regina huh ?"

"oh- it's nothing !"

ganyu couldn't help but smile.

funny thing was , xiao had the exact same scenario as well. except he didn't smile.


local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now