• "xiao" •

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y/n and zhongli stepped out from the door to outside quietly. stretching her arms , she released a sigh.

"today's weather is nice."

"it is."



y/n bit her lip.

"so uhm about this morn-"

a rather short figure appeared in front of the two. a gust of wind blew through the street and accidentally lifted up y/n's blue skirt. she awkwardly attempted to cover her legs but failed miserably , having zhongli step behind her for support. she squinted to see who was in front of her.

since when did the wind get so hard-

oh it's xiao.

"oh xiao ! i didn't expect you to appear here all of a sudden. what's up ?"

he smoothed out the wrinkles on his white school shirt. "my duty is not only to protect liyue but also the gods i shall serve and assist. rex lapis and regina lapis are my top priority. what else would i be here for ?"

she smiled.

"that's very sweet of you xiao , but please don't make the wind expose my ass next time." y/n said while crossing her arms , a scary smile on her face.

"maybe it's better to wear a longer skirt , lady y/n."

"zhongli , does it look like i can ? start remembring to bring mora with you and then start talking."

xiao opened his mouth and frowned. "oh she did not just go there..."


y/n entered the volleyball gym first while zhongli and xiao trailed behind her. she looked around and jumped slightly when a bald man approached her with excitement.

"wahhhh !! it's that cutie girl that's buddies with yamaguuuchi ! do you remember me , oh dear goddess ?!" he dramatically kneeled on one knee. xiao immediately flinched with his arm extended towards the two gods.

oh it's tanaka ryūnosuke.

"uhm... you're tanaka right ?"

tanaka's eyes widened while his usual skin color was a hot shade of pink.

"i cant believe the cutie girl remembers me... is this what heaven is like ?!" the three vision users awkwardly stood in front of him with concerned faces. xiao bit his lip in an attempt to hide his disgust. luckily , sugawara came in to the scene and dragged him away. "ah... i'm so sorry about him. anyways , you guys are here to watch yamaguchi and tsukishima right ?" y/n nodded. "yeah."

more like watch yamaguchi only.

the gray haired setter smiled. "you guys can sit over here. the games starting soon."

they sat down on a chair and y/n waved towards yamaguchi lightly. he blushed at her action and turned his attention back to tsukishima. 

"oh yeah xiao. what did sakura want to tell you about ?" the yaksha closed his eyes in annoyance of her name.

"nothing of importance. she just requested of me to accompany her to some restruant."

"did the cold-hearted demon get... asked out ?!" zhongli and y/n both yelled in their minds. she sweatdropped. "i suppose you said no right ?" he nodded in silence. "if she were to be in contact with me , i'm sure she would experience pain emotionally. especially wanting to talk to someone like me." his amber eyes were clouded with shame.

"hey xiao , try not to think about it too much. remember you're not always alone."

y/n swore he saw him wear a small smile.

"ehhh ?! kageyama look it's the first years i told you about ! the ones that bumped into me !"

the three turned around in pure confusion at the sound of a high pitched voice. y/n easily recognized that voice as the tangerine haired boy she met this morning with zhongli , although xiao was not there to see who he was.

he never told me his name though.

y/n gave him a small wave and a smile.

i wonder who the guy next to him is. maybe a friend ?

the short volleyball player nudged his friend on the elbow , a smug smirk plastered onto his face. "did you see that kageyama ?! she waved at me and not to you !! today's my lucky day !" 'kageyama' simply shook his head in disapproval. "she probably did that to pity your short ass." e/c eyes looked at him with curiosity.

he had short black hair and blueberry colored eyes with pale skin. he was on the taller side , practically towering over xiao and the other boy. his outfit was a red tracksuit that was very similar to his friends. and if y/n was honest , he wore the most intimidating expression.

"i'm hinata shoyo ! p-please just call me shoyo though ! nice to meet you."

y/n nodded to his offer. "nice to meet you too... shoyo. just call me y/n. and this is xiao." she pointed over to the yaksha who had a displeased look on his face. "and this is zhongli." zhongli gave them a quick glance. hinata smiled and slapped 'kageyama' on the shoulder , screaming-whispering to him. "you idiot ! introduce yourself to them !" he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"kageyama tobio."

"nice to meet you kageyama." kageyama nodded awkwardly.

"are you two trying out for this volleyball team thing ?" she asked. they both nodded in pure passion. hinata and kageyama both spoke at the same time. "yes !"

"well then , try your best. i'm here to watch yamaguchi but there's no harm in cheering for the other team right ?"

"lady y/n , i thought you were supposed to pick only one side to cheer for." zhongli said. hinata and kageyama blushed at her comment. "w-we will try out best and defeat french fries and vegetable head !"

french fries... and vegetable head... ?

she sweatdropped. "yeah... uhm... have fun ?" all of a sudden , tsukishima appeared behind the two volleyball fanatics. "ehhh ?? you guys are actually trying to beat me in this game ? as if. someone short like hinata and a rude volleyball king , i'd like to see you try." he sadistically giggled.

what's this guys problem ?

"tsukki , let's try to let them at least play." yamaguchi sweatdropped. "-if they can even serve properly." the blonde spat out. hinata furrowed his brows in frustration at tsukishima's words. he took one step toward him and practically looked like he was about to start a fight. "don't underestimate my skills ! even kageyama is kind of good !"

"what do you mean 'kind of' you idiot ?!"

"lady y/n , what if i told you i regret coming with you and rex lapis to this... obnoxious mortal activity ?" a anemo polearm user narrowed his eyes.

"i understand xiao." she placed a wary hand on his shoulder. unfortunately , the four boys in front of xiao heard what he said. kageyama was the first to speak.

"don't call volleyball obnoxious ! it's a really cool sport !"

"yeah you tell em kageyama !!!"

zhongli stayed silent and stared at xiao with concern. the anemo user crossed his arms. "that volleyball sport probably isn't even that hard." even tsukishima seemed pissed a little. "If you think it's that easy , try playing it for once !" hinata said. y/n inched away from the group and went closer to zhongli. she leaned in and whispered into his ear cautiously.

"do you think xiao's going to be okay... ?" he blinked twice and replied back in a hushed voice , unconsciously resting his chin on her shoulder. "i'm sure he'll handle things well. and if not , it's always possible to give him some help." the god nodded at his reply.

"fine. i accept your request to me. i'll try this so called game of volleyball and prove to you that it's easy."


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