• pursuing dreams •

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"his jumping power is so high for someone his height and his ability to play is amazing ! please let him join our volleyball team !"

"yeah sure."

y/n replied to his request with a dry voice. sugawara blinked twice before smiling.

"wait really ? t-thank you so much !" he bowed respectfully with a blush , silver eyes shining.

although , someone seemed a bit dissapointed.

xiao crossed his arms , eyebrows raising. "lady y/n , i thought i told you-" his sentence was cut off by the geo user leaning in to whisper something into his ear.

"don't be a wussy and do this for once !"

he simply stared at her with no words. she sweat dropped.

"pretty please ?"

"..." he crossed his arms.

"pleeeeeeease ??? for me ?"

a sigh exited his mouth. "fine. but only because you asked for it." she gently smiled. the rest of the volleyball team seemed rather puzzled by her actions. hinata inched towards xiao. "hey hey , what did y/n tell you ? i wanna know !!" he rolled his eyes. "none of your concern."

"not fair !"

"it is fair , damn mortal."

"you're a mortal too !"

"well- i... whatever."

((bro... theres a fly in my house and im hiding in the bathroom and i have class in two mins what do i doupdate: my dad killed the fly))

all of a sudden , their small conversation was interuppted by a young man entering the gym , hands on his knees and panting. "i did it ! i arranged one !" the man exclaimed. "a practice match ! our opponent are one of THE top four teams in the prefecture , aoba johsai high !"

"ganyu ?" was the first word the three vision users thought of instantly.

sugawara's eyes widened while daichi seemed surprised by the news. "seijou ?"

"ack.." tsukishima muttered. on the other hand , yamaguchi was baffled. "no way.. !"

"a practice match against one of the prefecture's top four ?!" y/n swore she saw stars in hinata's eyes. kageyama frowned.

"oh , you two must be the hinata and kageyama i've heard so much about." the man approached the two. "who's he ? a teacher ?" hinata asked. "beats me. i have no idea" the setter answered.

"i'm takeda ittetsu , the volleyball team's advisor starting this year." he had short brown hair and matching colored eyes , pale skin and large glasses. he sported a green jacket and white shirt. 

the two nodded. "hello."

"i don't have any experience with volleyball , so i can't really coach you guys... but i'll do my best to take care of everything else ! nice to meet you two."

"likewise , sir !" hinata and kageyama wore determined faces. 

daichi and sugawara approached mr.takeda. "sir.. how did you even manage to..." he smiled awkwardly. "i've been running all over trying to find us an opponent , so i got kinda busy..."

"how'd you even manage to get them to agree ?"

"don't tell me you did it again..."

takeda waved his hands. "i didn't i didn't ! i'm great at getting on my knees and begging but not this time."

y/n couldn't hold back her laugh for that one.


"lady y/n..."

the three turned their attention over to y/n. takeda tilted his head. "who must you three be ?" he asked. she immediately attempted to stopped laughing and gave him a respectful bow. "i'm y/n , this is zhongli , and uh this is xiao. xiao's actually trying out for the volleyball team."

takeda smiled. "really ?! that's great ! the more the merrier... uh... let me... i swear i had application papers somewhere..." he looked through the pockets of his jacket and then the stack of papers he was holding. after a few moments , he pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper , offering it to xiao.

"here is our club application paper ! just sign here and your guardian should sign there too."

guardian ? as in.. parent ?

y/n gave zhongli a look while xiao stared at them both.

"why are you two staring at me like that ?"


"we can talk about it later."

"oh and there's also one condition about the game. kageyama-kun must play as setter for the entire match."

everyone seemed a little confused , although tanaka was rather angry. "what's that supposed to mean ? they have no interest in karasuno , but they wanna take kageyama ? they lookin' down on us ay ? turnin' their noses up ?" the teacher sweat dropped. "i-it's not like that."

"i don't see a problem. an opportunity like this is rare."

tanaka frowned. "seriously ? you're our starting setter ya know !"

"i... i wanna see how good hinata and kageyama's plays will be against the big four. i also want to see how xiao will play with them as well." he seemed rather upset with sugawaras confession. daichi nodded. "please give us the details , sir."


"well this might be sudden , but the match is next tuesday. there's not much time after school so you'll be playing one best of three." he continued to explain the game.

"don't be late !"

"yes sir !" the team replied.

"dissmissed !"


"shall i accompany you back home , lady y/n ?" zhongli asked as the three exited the gym.

"hm ? well if you want then sure."

xiao stood in between the two gods and crossed his arms. "i thought that was my duty , being the guardian yaksha means i should protect lady y/n at all cost-"

"xiao !!"

his sentence was cut off by tanaka and hinata running towards him. "daichi-san said he'll treat us to some meat buns ! you gotta come with !"

y/n smiled , wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "you heard that xiao ? now go make some friends for once ! don't worry about me and zhongli alright ?"


"hurry up and come here xiao ! you... uh.... hm... what's a good nickname... you... lettuce haired shorty !"

she gave him a teasing wave. "see you~~" zhongli smiled and proudly waved him goodbye. "make some dear friends for once."

he gave the two a glare before being dragged by hinata. zhongli looked at y/n.

"well then , shall we go now ?"


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