[ authors note ]

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thank you for reading 'local god' and reading the ending with me ! also thanks for sticking through the absolutely HORRIFYING exposition of this story bc that shit cringy asf

i hope the ending was actually satisfying , i struggle to write wedding scenes bc of how sappy they are

i was contemplating writing a second book (if i decided to do so , i would have killed myself at this point) where the haikyuu characters are in teyvat. but i realized that i basically had literally 4 other books i had in plan and also i lost interest in haikyuu , so sorry. that wont be happening

i might and probably will come back and update cute oneshots every now and then , so dont worry , its not goodbye !

go check out my other books if you enjoyed this ! love you guys sm , thank you for all the support

i still cant believe we got #1 in haikyuuxreader and genshin , SAME WITH LIKE #17 IN FANFICTION A FEW MONTHS AGO LIKE HELLO ???? OMG

love u guys , and see you soon !

- author (aka peachy)

local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now