[ departure ]

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((lets pretned that xiao recieved that ball and now the game is over bc i have no motivation to write so shitty chapter incoming yall))

"xiao... you looked so grown up when you played that game !"

you and zhongli both gave him an eager smile. he rolled his eyes and made a face. "it's not like a big deal. i just did what i had to do." he said.

although the karasuno team won the game , oikawa managed to give him own team a bunch of points through his own power and leadership. currently they were all walking back to the bus and getting ready to go home.

"i still think you did a good job though."

the yaksha kept his gaze on his shoes. (that tanaka insisted on giving him)

((cup ramen + egg + chicken (not fried) = one of the most delicious things in the fucking world and also possible way to get salmonella if the egg doesnt actually cook lol))

a sudden voice interuppted the scene. "ah , as expected of a caption. you sure know your stuff."

the sound was sweet like velvet choclate , words dragged out slowly like a grand ball's waltz. you recognized it as oikawa tooru.

everyone freezed.

beside him was ganyu , her soft blue hair making her stand out compared to the others.

oikawa then gave karasuno a lazy smirk. tanaka , yamaguchi , tsukishima , and hinata created a small 'defense group' and gave him the meanest glare they could create. instead of making it look scary , it looked quite comedic.

"the great king makes his entrance !" declares hinata.

((wondering why i ate that cup ramen when its 94 degrees outside but it feels like 104 and the food was literally steaming of hot air))
tanaka and hinata approached him and walked like those school gangsters found across the streets.

"whadd'ya want ?!"

hinata gripped onto the hitter's shirt and stood behind him. "yeah what do you want ?"

"wanna fight huh ?!?"

"wanna fight huh ?!"

the setter waved his hand. "don't be so hostile."

he then motioned to hinata. "you there , little one."

"eh ?!"

"your last one touch and broad attack was amazing." oikawa commented. hinata seemed flattered by his compliment , a prideful blush decorating his cheeks as he giggled.

"let's give it all we got next time from the start." oikawa's face was now different. a competitive aura rushed through him with his hazel-eyes glowering. "you guys didn't get to see our set-up. oh- and also we'll be improving our serves too." he continued on.

you remembered oikawa's killer serve back in the game.

"you guys need to polish your recieving quickly. i'm not the only one who could do powerful serves."

he walked closer towards the group. ganyu awkwardly looked around to see if she should follow him or not.

"the inter-high preliminaries are coming soon. don't get cancelled out." his slim finger then pointed to kageyama.

"because i want to absolutely destroy my adorable underclassmen in a fair match !"

ganyu sighed. "oikawa..."

now hinata seemed even more fired up. "we'll improve our recieves !"

oikawa then said something else you couldn't hear. you were too busy inching closer and closer to ganyu , zhongli right behind you and xiao trailing behind him.

"psst ganyu , is he always like that ?" you asked. she nodded.

"well , not exactly. i suppose he just seems very excited to get in a official match with karasuno."

"i hope to see you all there ! also bye-bye y/n and zhongli~ hope you guys see me and ganyu together soo-"

his sentence was cut off by the sound of xiao and you aggressively cracking your knuckles , an intense aura practically radiating from the group. even zhongli seemed a little pestered by his words.

"try to get ganyu and you'll see what happens... the archons won't give you any ounce of mercy." you muttered under your teeth.

"damn mortals can't even shut up every now and then." xiao continued.

ganyu frantically attempted to calm you both down.

"guys... ! stop embarassing me all the time !"


the four of you sat down on zhongli's table.

"ganyu , is it true you found a way for us to go home ?" zhongli asked. she nodded.

"i'm not sure if it would work but it seemed pretty legit. do you remember the seelies that came here when you all arrived first ?"

they all nodded.

"while using elemental sight to find you all , i also found traces of seelie tracks. i decided to investigate it later. once i did , the tracks led me to a field with four seelie courts. they also led traces of where the seelies should be. at the sky , there was a portal that looks similar to the one in musk reef and also at inazuma. i believe that should take us back."

you hummed. "that means we just gotta find the seelies and then we can go home right ?"


xiao narrowed his eyes. the cup of tea began to lose its heat. "then when will we take off ?" ganyu placed a hand on her chin. the two adepti then looked at you and zhongli.

"whatever lady y/n and rex lapis dictates i suppose."

zhongli looked at you. "hm... i'm not so sure. i believe we should leave as soon as possible though. perhaps next week ?"

you agreed. "that sounds good."

exactly what could go wrong ?


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