• volleyball club •

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i'm so tired... why does this school have to start so early anyways ?

y/n trailed along the stree , the archon glanced around while she continued to walk to school. all of a sudden , she felt a figure bump into her.

"ah ! i'm so sorry."

"oh no need to apologize. i should have watched where i was going-"

e/c eyes exchanged stares with dark olive orbs. she immediately recognized the person she bumped into.

"yamaguchi ! i didn't know you walked this way to school."

he smiled. "yeah. i took the long way today since i felt a little out of my head. uh... since we both are heading to the same spot would you like to walk together ?" y/n nodded. the vision that was pinned to her skirt glowed under the spring sun. "of course."

the first few minutes of walking to school was quiet and rather , awkward. yamaguchi broke the silence with a question.

"lapis , could you tell me what the orange pendant on your skirt is ?"

my vision ?

she looked down at her hip and hummed.

i shouldn't tell him about everything.

"i guess you could say it's a gift... from someone ? it's just a habit for me to bring it everywhere."

"that's very interesting lapis. i think it looks pretty on you."

she smiled.

"why thank you." looking at the sakura trees , y/n wasn't able to notice the blushing expression he wore on his face. he took a deep breath and clutched onto his school bag.

"lapis ! uh.. i'm actually trying out for the volleyball club. and i was wondering if i made it to the team , could you come watch me ?"

y/n curiously looked at him and nodded.

w-what's a volleyball.... i'll ask ganyu later.


volleyball. i'll ask uto maybe.


y/n approached uto before class started.

"hey uto , do you perhaps know anything about volleyball ?"

the brunette had stars in her eyes the moment she asked her the question.

"of course i know things about volleyball !! after all , the super-duper handsome oikawa-san is a volleyball captain."

captain ? so like , pirate ? i mean i think beidou is more handsome though.

"it's basically a sport where you try not to let the ball touch the ground yadda yadda , and there's roles like ace and setter."

oh. that's kind of dissapointing.

"oikawa-san is like , THE setter's of setters. he's so cool and hot ! if only he would date me..."

so he's THAT type of guy. i have a feeling he's like childe. maybe more like that calvary captain paimon told me about.

"aha.. thanks for informing me about that. it'll definitely help me out soon."

uto grinned. "of course !"

walking back towards her desk , she gave zhongli a poke on the shoulder. he glanced at her and tilted his head. "is there anything you need lady y/n ?" y/n shook her head.

"do you wanna go check out the volleyball club after school ? also bring xiao if you want to."


uto-san told me that the volleyball club should be in here.

the two vision users neared the gym's entrance. when zhongli asked xiao if he wished to tag along , he declined.

"i refuse to have any contact with such mortals."

y/n sweatdropped at the thought of xiao's answer. she opened the door confidently. zhongli peeked behind her. the group of boys y/n was unable to recognize turned their attention to the two gods.

"can we help you ?" a rather gorgeous silver haired boy looked at y/n. she blushed.

he's so pretty..

"oh ! uhh , we both are just looking for someone named yamaguchi."

zhongli leaned down to y/n and whispered in her ear quietly , his hot breath tickling her neck. "lady y/n , i belive you're the only one looking for yamaguchi." she pouted. "shh just play along."

the pretty boy spoke again. "oh ! hold on , him and tsukishima are going over a few stuff for volleyball club tryouts. you both can come in though. i'm sugawara koushi , vice captain and setter of the karasuno volleyball club."

that sounds cool.

"i'm y/n , and this is zhongli. we hope we aren't a bother !"

entering the gym , e/c eyes scanned the area curiously. there was a rather intimidating baldy next to a brunette that was talking to yamaguchi and tsukishima. zhongli placed a hand on his chin before looking at y/n.

"well , i don't think i need to accompany you any more lady y/n. but if you require my help do not be afraid to seek me out."

she felt a little upset at the fact that he was leaving so soon. shaking her thoughts off , y/n grasped her vision slightly.

"that's fine by me , i'll see you-"

"why i never expected you both out of all people to arrive here. where's the other pesky mouse ?" a sneery voice interrupted her sentence.


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