• two sides •

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add me on tiktok for more headcanons and scenarios ! @agressivehillichurl


"why i never expected you both out of all people to arrive here. where's the other pesky mouse ?"

y/n had a visible tick mark on her forehead and stared at the one and only tsukishima kei.

"uh.. we're here to watch yamaguchi play ?" she muttered. the blonde smirked and closed his eyes.

"well then have fun with that. at least the other pesky shortie isn't here. now it's just one other shortie and another pesky mouse."

y/n could here zhongli mumbling something about how mad xiao would be if he heard this. she sweatdropped and attempted to laugh it off.

that little- if he was at least a little more nice i would have spared him. good thing visions don't exist here.

"yeah yeah. i'm just here to watch yamaguchi do his best since he's obviously a great person. isn't that right zhongli ?" y/n looked at zhongli carefully.

"although i don't personally know of him , i believe he is a good person." she smiled at his answer while the green haired boy blushed at his response.


y/n and zhongli exchanged glances before the geo user crossed his arms.

"my dear apologies , we haven't introduced ourselves yet. i go by zhongli. and this is y/n." she waved to the group of volleyball players. one of them fell to the ground with a gleeful laugh. the brunette nodded and flashed a smile.

"nice to meet you two. i'm sawamura daichi. the captain of karasuno , but please do call me daichi."

isn't that his last name ? oh well.

"uh.. the baldie on the floor is tanaka ryuunosuke. he's our wing spiker. please ignore his rather erm , strange actions. and this is sugawara koushi. he's setter and vice captain. i suppose you already know who yamaguchi and tsukishima is right ?"

y/n nodded. sugawara gave daichi a tap on the shoulder. "oh also our manager kiyoko should be here soon."

she hummed in response and looked at yamaguchi , who was busy stretching. zhongli placed a shoulder on y/n. her mind drifted towards ganyu.

i miss ganyu.. maybe i'll visit her or something. doesn't xiao know where she's been ?

the two sat down on a chair and quietly watched the volleyball team begin practice. if y/n was honest , she was excited to see what volleyball was like. the door entrance to the gym slowly opened , a girl appeared.

who is she ? gah dayum she's pretty.... is that perhaps kiyoko ?

y/n whispered to zhongli quietly . "hey hey zhongli ! isn't she so pretty ? maybe she's the manager !" he nodded. "that girl is indeed a nice sight.. although... someone else is better in my eyes." she gasped in pure surprise. did he perhaps see someone in a romantic way ? she inched closer to the archon.

"zhongli a-are you perhaps in love ?! oi why didn't you tell me."

his amber eyes stared at y/n.

"i don't consider myself in love. such romantic topics aren't suited for people like me. i simply meant that there is another person who i think is far more beautiful , lady y/n."

"oh. you're boring ! sheesh you gotta find someone to love some time zhongli."

he closed his eyes. "perhaps that time will come soon."


𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮: 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘂'𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀 ?


ganyu frowned in confusion and frustration. her so called 'semester' of school started yesterday and it's already such a hectic trouble. she stood in the middle of a crowd that surrounded a large building. how did she manage getting caught up in this ? she honestly has no idea.

for archon's sake... it's so loud.

"kyaa oikawa-san !"

the cryo user sweatdropped and attempted to make her way out of the crowd. after a few moments of squirming and moving around , ganyu managed to leave the crowd. she sighed before looking to the right and blinking twice.

a young man with hazelnut eyes and light chocolate colored hair stared at her , clearly suprised and amused. his pale skin matched with his white and cyan jeresy. he was tall , almost towering over the adepti. she awkwardly smiled and let out a hand.

"do you perhaps need anything.. ?"

"oh not really , but are you in need of something ? after all , you're watching us practice." his voice sounded like smooth honey on a warm spring's day.

ganyu shook her head.

if only lady y/n was here. or xiao and rex lapis... ah this is so strange.

"i was just trying to make my way out of the crowd. uhm... i should probably be leaving now so have a nice day." as ganyu left the gym. her blue hair shining against the sun's rays from the roof's windows. the red tassles on her skirt swayed.

"what an interesting girl... don't you think so iwa ?"

"yeah yeah. now let's get back to practice."

"okay !"


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