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"hey ! y/n and zhongli ! what are you doing over there ?! that's the enemy team ya know !!!!!"

you looked over the net to see hinata waving his arms like a drunkard while the rest of the team stayed silent. the moment oikawa looked at him , he shut up too. aoba johnsai's coach spoke up. "how's that ankle oikawa ?" he made a circle sign with his long fingers.

"perfectly fine ! i can get back to practice. it was just a small sprain."

that reminds me when i got the smallest cut on my hands during the archon war and zhongli freaked out about it... and forced me to stay home for a whole two days.

what a weirdo zhongli is.

the coach huffed. "for heaven's sake be careful ! you were the one that wanted to play against kageyama too. what were we going to do without our official setter ? it's embarassing..."

oikawa gave him a wary smile. "sorry coach."

"oikawa ! please take care of yourself !" three young girls looked out the gym balcony , blushes covering their face. he gave them a wave , resulting in a bunch of squeals.

tanaka had lost it at this point.

"kageyama... who's this nice guy ?! i find him very unpleasant." he said while pointing at oikawa. there was a strangely terrifying aura surrounding him.

zhongli sighed. "he's the captain of seijoh." tanaka and hinata visibly perked up. kageyama's black orbs narrowed. "oikawa is a very aggressive setter , his attack power is on the top of the team."

he then looked at hinata. "and he has a terrible personality."

you and ganyu made a face. xiao turned his attention over to you two.

"you're saying that ?!" hinata exclaimed. kageyama continued on. "maybe even worse than tsukishima."


you shivered. "he must be really bad then... to imagine that..." you looked at ganyu. she waved her hands in the air as a reply. "i promise he isn't mean or anything ! although he can be very... flirtatious." zhongli , xiao , and you exchanged glances.

"we gotta stop oikawa as fast as possible !" you three thought. ganyu sweatdropped.

"you guys aren't planning anything right ?"

"oh don't worry ganyu. don't worry."

tanaka looked at oikawa with worry. "do you know him from kitagawa daiichi ?"

kageyama nodded. "yes. he was my senior."

the baldie then changed from worry to jealousy. "and why was y/n with him ?! do you know him from anywhere ?! he isn't your boyfriend right ?!" he inched closer and closer towards you.

"yeah ! wait... no ! y/n wouldn't date someone like him ! she would date someone like me !" hinata proclaimed.

the irony...

you deadpanned. "uh... i don't know him that much. and also , no thanks hinata."

and just like that the kid's heart was torn to pieces.

"i just met him today. no need to worry."

ganyu sighed awkwardly. "lady y/n , i think you just made the orange-haired kid pass away."


then the adepti perked up. "i think i should go over to my team now , can we perhaps meet later tonight ?" she looked at you , zhongli , and xiao. the three nodded. as she walked away , a certain setter noticed the group.

oikawa walked towards kageyama , giving him a wave. "yahoo ! long time no see tobio ! you still doing the whole king thing ?"

now hinata's attention was on the two setters. the team gave each other wary glances. "i learned how to serve and block from watching him." kageyama stated. "his skills are extremely high."

hinata began to tense up.

"but we gotta focus on the game. let's win the last set." he declared. hinata nodded. "y-yeah !"

"and tanaka please stop with the intimidation !" kageyama said.


the three girls looked over at the game.

"hey , when's oikawa gonna play ?" the one with pigtails said with a sad voice. the short haired girl looked at her. "idiot ! he has to warm up so he doesn't get hurt."

the girl next to them sighed. "yeah yeah , but have you guys seem the guy over there ?!"

the two girls looked around frantically. "who ?"

"the one with long brown hair and orange tips ! doesn't he look like a gentleman ? maybe we should try and talk to him later !" she said with a squeal. the two nodded in agreement.

on the other hand , tanaka seemed to get more and more pissed as time went on.

the teams continued playing , and now there was one more point until the teams were even.

just one more point...

you sat next to zhongli on a small bench. oikawa suddenly entered the court.

"is... oikawa gonna play ?"

zhongli nodded. "it seems so." you began to freeze in fear , same with tanaka and hinata. you clutched your hands together and began to cry fake tears.

"oh i hope xiao won't get injured !"

the geo user chuckled. "surely a mere mortal would be enough to land a scratch on him."

oikawa raised the ball to karasuno , a smile on his face. just before he tossed the ball to the sky , he said a few words.

"this ones for you ganyu and y/n !"

oh my archons he did not-

tossing the ball as high as possible , oikawa jumped towards the sky and hit it with as much strength possible. the ball started to hurl towards tsukishima at lightning speed.


in a mere millisecond , the ball flung off the court and hit the railings , scaring a few people. oikawa hummed in satisfaction. daichi and sugawara's faces were full of shock.

"hmm as i expected , you , number 6 , and you , number 5." tsukishima stayed calm while hinata began to shiver at the sound of oikawa calling out their numbers. he smiled. "you guys aren't good at receiving right ? you must be first years."

((btw kazuhito is not in the team i replaced him with xiao))
"let's score one more point."

just as he aimed it to tsukishima , a certain green-haired boy arrived at the scene.


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