• god's guard •

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"fine. i accept your request to me. I'll try this so called game of volleyball and prove to you that it's easy."

y/n dramatically stood up and tackled xiao immediately.

"xiao i never knew you could be willing to do things like this to people !"

the yaksha deadpanned while she cried tears of joy. zhongli laughed awkwardly and watched the scene unfold.

"hey zhongli , xiao is finally growing up ! it feels like yesterday when you were so small... but you are small but... ahh !" hinata tilted his head in pure confusion. kageyama did the same.

"lady y/n , i've always been this size." she sweat dropped.

"so... xiao is going to tryout for the volleyball team ?"

a honey-sweet voice entered the scene. y/n was easily able to recognize it as sugawara. the silver haired boy gave xiao a smile. "well then , let's see what you got ! do you know anything about volleyball ?"




"so i'm taking that as a no ?" he said. the three nodded to his comment. instead of being rather dissapointed , sugawara seemed awfully energetic and pumped his fists in the air. "then that means you can learn how fun volleyball is ! come on i'll teach you while the first-years have their game !" he took xiao by the hand and ran out of the gym.

"do you think xiao's going to be able to tolerate this ?" she asked zhongli.

"i'm not so sure lady y/n. but i think he'll manage to pull through. after all , he's willing to serve the god's every order and request."

y/n nodded while thinking through the archon war. when xiao was used by god's and tortured for years on end.

and if she was honest , she has only seen xiao smile a few times throughout her 5000 years of living. maybe even for longer. the usual reasons why xiao would be smiling is either because of almond tofu or almond tofu.

i should make him almond tofu more often.

"oi first years ! we gotta hurry up with the game !"

y/n and zhongli exchanged glances.

let's hope volleyball lives up to the expectations.


"all right , let's go. tsukishima !!"

hinata walked towards tsukishima and yamaguchi , holding his hand out with kageyama behind him. the blonde looked confused. "what ?"

((my pasta for lunch tastes good))

hinata pouted. "we're supposed to shake hands before and after a match. we didn't do it before though-" he looked even more dissapointed. "-besides , we're gonna be teammates from now on... not that i'm happy about it."

((nevermind this pasta isnt that good))

tsukishima gave him a stare.

"hurry up man ! don't you know ? if you don't treat your teammates with respect you'll get thrown off the gym ! besides... y/n's watching !" he deadpanned at hinata's words.

"but you guys got banned from the gym because you ignored captain's orders and started some contest which let to you sending vice principle's wig flying. and i doubt shortass y/n will bat an eye towards you two."

hinata pursed his lips.

"d-don't be so nitpicky !"

and now he started to jump around in an attempt to shake hands with the two while kageyama watched.

"hurry up , shake hands !"

"what are you doing.. ?! stay away from me. stop it !"

tanaka sweat dropped. "what the hell are they doing ?"

"are you okay tsukki ???"

zhongli watched , clearly amused while he rested his chin on y/n's shoulder. a hum exited his mouth. "i wonder when xiao will come back with sugawara. did you enjoy the game lady y/n ?" she nodded. "it was fun."

volleyball is confusing... looks cool though.

they continued to watch the team converse and give the first years a black jacket with the words "karasuno volleyball team".

"lady y/n , rex- zhongl-"

"y/nnnn !! zhongliii~~~ !"

hinata dashed towards them with a proud smile.

"so so , how'd you like the game ? isn't volleyball amazing ?!"

zhongli smiled.

"it certainly is interesting. ah xiao you're back."

"xiao !!! how did it go ?!"

"it went-"

"his jumping power is so high for someone his height and his ability to play is amazing ! please let him join our volleyball team !"


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