• your comfort •

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y/n stared at the so-called notes on her notebook while yasuda-sensei started to dismiss the class. students began to leave the classroom one by one , some staying behind to talk while others continued to finish up their classwork. the geo user began to pick up her supplies and gently placed them into her school bag. meanwhile xiao was doodling something on a piece of paper. e/c eyes took a small peep at his drawing. a hilichurl picking flowers , very interesting indeed. y/n gave xiao a light poke on the shoulder.

"oii class ended. let's go and see what's out."

the adepti turned his attention to her and replied with a quiet nod while cleaning up his desk. zhongli then stood beside the two and waited for xiao to finish packing.


s/c hands gripped onto the geo vision hanged on her skirt while exiting karasuno then down to the streets. the sun's warmth hit her skin lightly while she observed the other students of the school.

"hey zhongli , xiao. do you think they sell food around here ?"

"why lady y/n , the first thing you think of when we are in another world is food ? it seems very amusing." zhongli's lips were shaped to a slight smile.

"food is a mere topic for mortals , i shall not engage in such things."

"...what happened to your almond tofu ?"


y/n's mouth let out a small giggle. a thought then popped into her mind.

wait , does mora even exist here ?

her thoughts then went over to the hanfu she left at home , which had a pocket containing her wallet of mora. it was a habit that she brought money with her everyone since zhongli just always forgot to bring it himself. and because he gave up his gnosis with y/n , they were no longer as strong now than before.

...strength. i remember when strength was all that mattered during the war.

she frowned at the thought of the archon war and the time was she only lived for violence. it was almost like y/n felt she didn't deserve to be an archon after her actions and past. it was almost like-

"-/n , lady y/n." e/c eyes snapped open as she looked to her left and stared at zhongli.

"are you alright ? you dozed off for a few moments. if you are feeling unwell then it's best to tell us."


slowly she felt his long cold fingers lightly graze her cheeks as he tucked a strand of h/c hair behind her ear. his amber eyes were filled with slight worry while a small frown sat on his lips. his hands then gently stroked y/n's hair , then made its way back to the cheeks. the archon slowly started to lean into his touch with slightly roses cheeks. meanwhile xiao was trying to talk to the birds outside and failed. he was kinda sad ngl.

"z-zhongli..." a small mutter escaped her lips as the male's eyes softened. he continued to rest his hands on her face while his pointer finger slowly drew circles on her h/c cheeks. e/c eyes slowly began to close for a few seconds before lightly opening them under the sunlight. zhongli let out a smile before letting his hand go.

"feeling better , lady y/n ?"

a small nod was enough.

i wish he could stay like that forever.



"xiao , what in celestia's name.."

the two archons sweatdropped at the sight of the yaksha being surrounded by ten birds. all pigeons but with different colors and patterns. xiao looked over to the two and tilted his head , clearly confused.

"is something the matter ?"

y/n awkwardly shook her hands in a 'no' motion. "nothing's wrong ! so many birds.."

how did he even manage to do this ?

"zhongli , are you heading back now ?" y/n looked at the polearm user. he placed a hand on his chin and took a glance at xiao.

"perhaps i should , maybe you and xiao could come along for a while. if that's alright of course."

"oh of course. xiao ! would you like to go visit the place zhongli is staying ?"

the anemo user turned around , bread in hand and birds following him.


'where'd he get that bread ?!' the two gods exclaimed.

"oi jack and jake sit down !!!" xiao yelled. and surprisingly , the birds listened to him.


the trio stood in front of a red door , the apartment which belonged to zhongli. apparently , he lived on the third floor of the apartment building. xiao held a bird in his hand.

"so this is where you're staying. is anyone else in there ?"

"not that i know of. when i woke up , there was no one in here. i suppose i'm the only person living in this house."

xiao and y/n mused.

"well then-"

"i found you all !" another voice interrupted zhongli's sentence. recognizing the voice , y/n turned around with her eyes widened.

a young girl with pale skin and dazzling pink eyes. beautiful long blue hair spilled from her shoulders. dark red horns were propped on the top of her head. her outfit consisted of a plaid mocha skirt and a blue shirt that matched her hair. a cream-colored vest , a red ribbon propped on the collar of her shirt , and a white blazer.

a cryo vision was propped on the top of her skirt , red tassels being attached to the pendant. her legs were covered by dark shiny stockings with yellow patterns on her thighs. she wore a relieved smile.

y/n stared at the cryo user.

"... ganyu ?"


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