• late nights •

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fun fact: mc also cannot forget things and has solid memory like zhongli


"hey zhongli , what do you think about the volleyball club ? are you going to the game saturday ?"

y/n and zhongli strolled around the empty neighboorhood street. they decided to have a small walk before returning back home. he closed his eyes in quiet thought. "i haven't decided that yet. perhaps i shall accompany you , if that is what you would like."

"it's your choice zhongli."

his amber eyes stared at her figure. she stood underneath a lamp pole with her arms crossed. they continued to walk in silence before y/n found a bench and motioned zhongli towards it. sitting down , she smiled as he sat next to her.

"hey zhongli."

"yes lady y/n ?" he stared at her.

"tell me a story. it doesn't matter if i already know it or not." zhongli tilted his head , the sound of crickets filling the air. "if that is what you wish. perhaps i will tell you about luhua pool." she closed her eyes slightly.

in truth , i just want to hear your voice.


y/n leaned her head on zhongli's shoulder , causing him to be slightly startled before smiling. a hand gently played with a strand of h/c hair before he quietly spoke to her.

oh how smitten he was for her but didn't even know it.


"-/n ! y/n !"

a voice interrupted y/n's sleep as she groggily opened her eyes. getting up slowly , a sigh exited her mouth. she was laying on the couch with a white blanket covering her figure.

what ? my back hurts... holy shit am i getting old ?

wait... i am old.

she looked at the figure in front of her who was supposedly her 'mom.'

"uh.. what ?"

"it's time for school ! goodness y/n learn how to come home properly and wake up early for once !"

she squinted her eyes , attempting to recall what happened last night. "properly ? what do you-"

"enough wondering start getting ready ! to the restroom. we can talk about your boyfriend later."

she stumbled towards the door , her 'mom' pushing her out of the house. the only thing she managed to say being , "oh uh- okay."

wait , boyfriend ?!


the words y/n's 'mother' told her echoed through her mind. exactly who dropped her off at home ? wasn't she with zhongli last night ? e/c eyes stared at the pale grey color of the sidewalk.

oh wait. it was probably zhongli.

wait.. it was zhongli ?!

a voice interuppted her thoughts.

"ah , good morning lady y/n."

y/n anxiously turned around , attempting to cool herself down. she awkwardly waved at him.

why am i feeling like this ?!

"good uh... morning zhongli."

he approached y/n quietly. opening his mouth to speak , he placed a hand on his chin. "you feel asleep on the bench last night so i carried you back home. are you feeling alright ?"

he WHAT-

the sword user frantically nodded. "yeah i'm feeling great ! you didn't have to carry me back though... i'm kinda heavy and-" the man simply cut her off and shook his head. "lady y/n , you're so light that even the smallest slime could pick you up. such nonsense you speak of."

y/n sighed. that's just exaggeration. "alright alright. well , thank you for looking after me."

"anything for you lady y/n."

her heart skipped a beat. all of a sudden , she felt zhongli's hand slide under her fingers.


he's so hot...

stop thinking that you idiot ! ugh...

"uhm- zhongli-" he immediately let go , which made her a little upset.

"oh , i apologize lady y/n. i didn't know that made you uncomfortable." y/n shook her head. "no no it's alright ! you can hold my hand if you want... or something like that." he smiled. e/c eyes looked up to see a soft look resting on his face. taking her hand in his , zhongli continued to walk to karasuno. "it's my pleasure."

i swear this man is making me feel things.

the walk to karasuno was silent , only the sound of birds filling the air. a blue hue painted the sky with fluffy white clouds. the weather was perfect. it felt peaceful.

that is , until y/n ran into a young boy with a bike.

crash !

y/n felt her body nearly fall to the ground , only to be caught in the arms of zhongli. she glanced down and widened her eyes in surprise.

"uhm... you alright kid ?"

he was silent for a few moments before whimpering in pain. she heard a few 'ow's and 'yikes' before he got up.

"ah i'm sorry-"

dark orange eyes stared at y/n , a obvious blush covering his once pale skin.

"uh it's oka-"

"i-i am so sorry for running in to you !!!!" he did a whole 180 bow. she sweatdropped and laughed.

"it's alright , just be more careful next time."

he looked back up and smiled. his orange hair fluffed up with his body. "y-yes ma'am !"

and off he ran.

yes ma'am ... ?

"lady y/n ? zhongli ?"

y/n and zhongli turned around to see xiao. he looked slightly confused , his golden orbs looking up and down.

"is there a reason why you two are holding each other right now ?"


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