• red camellia's •

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forgive me for the amount of cringe coming for the future chapters </3


y/n sat next to zhongli in his own home , a comfortable silence among the air. xiao ended up going back to his own place after spending some time with the two god's for a few moments.

"so , how long are you supposed to stay at my place for ?" he asked. she shrugged at his question , chin resting on her knees. "apparently i'm supposed to just stay with you until my aunt leaves or something. i didn't ask the lady how long she's staying for so uh..." the two sweatdropped.

"for two gods being sent to a whole new world , i would say we are handling this situation in a rather calming manner."

"yeah. but exactly how will we get back to teyvat ?"

zhongli closed his eyes and sighed. "that... perhaps only the stars know the answer. although ganyu has collected a few details of this world and its connection to teyvat , i suppose all we must do for now is wait."

he's right. the only thing we can do is wait and try to leave this place.

e/c eyes glanced over to a clock that was hung in front of the table. it was getting rather late the clock reading 12:43 , the streets starting to empty and the only sound being heard was the wind and cars from the distance.  y/n started to feel a little heavy , eyelids tempting to close and drift off to sleep. zhongli noticed the rather sleepy look she wore and smiled.

"shall we go to bed now ?"

and now y/n was comfortably covered by a soft blanket and a pillow on her head. zhongli smiled.

"do you mind if i lay down with you for a moment ?"

her attention shifted over to the geo user with a curious blink. he sat next to her , hair loose and clothing slightly undone. his amber eyes drifted off to y/n's chest her outfit. she wore zhongli's office shirt and a pair of shorts she found in her closet , which she personally thought was a bit too short and revealed too much of her legs.

"yeah sure. sleep here if you want." she replied.

he compromised and layed down next to her.


slim fingers reached out to braid a few strands of h/c hair. y/n found herself starting to lean closer towards zhongli and his touch.

maybe i should tell this man i like him.

"mm zhongli.."

"yes ?"

"i like you a lot. like , love. you know ?"

unfortunately , she ended up saying it in her own mind since she was so tired. and zhongli can't really read minds. all he did was blink once then twice. "... lady y/n ? did you mean to say something ?" she shook her head , eyes closed.  "oh , alright then. sweet dreams lady y/n."

after a few minutes of zhongli braiding her hair , y/n turned around to face him , and awkwardly wrapped her arms around his body. his eyes widened for a split second before smiling at the sight of the one person he adored.

OH how he wished , how he wished he could have the courage to openly express his love towards her and just pepper her face with soft kisses and just pull her into a hug and never let go.

too bad peepaw is a scardey cat.


((writers block hurts so bad guys))

stretching her arms , y/n let out a tired yawn , letting the morning sun hit her face. various flowers bloomed across the street on the path to karasuno.

zhongli looked at y/n. "come here for a moment." she turned around. "and close your eyes." she did as he asked , not sure what he was planning on doing. he reached out to place something in her hair.

"open your eyes now." he said.

e/c eyes gently fluttered open , her hand reaching out to see what he placed in her hair.

it was a flower , a red camellia.

a beautiful one too.

the flower was a deep red shade , just like the color of wine. the petals large and soft.  zhongli gently reached out to hold y/n's hand. "this flower is called a red camellia. although you most likely already know the name of it." she smiled.

"yeah. thank you."

and then she took his hand in hers , walking next to him once again.

this reminded her of the one story liyue citizens often heard about. how the god of flowers and blessing and god of contracts and wealth both worked together during the archon war , the only thing keeping them together was a contract signed during ancient times. soon once the war ended , the gods found themselves falling in love under the full moon surrounded by red camellias.

she was glad they had made a contract long ago.


oml sorry for the amount of plot holes and cringe.. i will be rewriting this soon. also if yall didn't know , red camellias represent a deep love and passion for someone :D

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