• without you •

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e/c eyes narrowed before she stood on the silver railing of the stairs and jumped down towards the adepti. arms outstretched , ganyu caught her in between her nimble arms and soft chest.

"l-lady y/n !"

"oh ganyu ! you have no idea how much i missed you and those lovely body parts of yours !!!"

"b-body parts ?! lady y/n , i-i'm uhm-" her face was practically so red that eve rises couldn't compare. y/n's voice started to shrink. "just where were you this whole time.." ganyu smiled as she gave the liyue archon a pat on the head.

"i'm here now. there's no need to worry lady y/n."

she choked out a few sobs.

"wait lady y/n are you crying ?!"

"n-no i'm not !"


the four immortals now sat on a light brown table. zhongli was the first one to speak.

"ganyu , how exactly were you able to end up in this world , and find us out here ?"

she smiled.

"i used my elemental vision to find traces of you all. and for the world part... hm. i find the story a little embarrassing but during work , i took a small nap and ended up here. and that was last week."

((you ALL should listen to zhongli and ganyus korean voice , its so pretty))

"last week ? that must mean you're more knowledgeable about this situation am i correct ?" xiao asked. she nodded , pulling a rather thick stack of notes out of her school bag. the three stared at ganyu with impressed expressions.

"i managed to learn a lot about this place. please read these notes i wrote."

xiao and y/n took a small peek at what she wrote. "woah.. ganyu this is really good !" y/n said.

"oh , it's really just a few notes. i'm sure i could make them better if i rewrote them."

xiao's amber eyes glanced at ganyu then back to the stack of papers.

zhongli opened his mouth. "ganyu. are you attending a school like us or is that just an outfit ? also , i think your horns might be a problem."

"i'm currently having to attend a place called 'aoba johnsai'. the people there are... interesting. and for my horns , i just said it was a hairpin. they aren't suspicious of anything."

xiao clicked his tongue. "what stupid mortals."

"not as stupid as you."

"lady y/n.."

"ehe sorry !"


the sky slowly started to darken as time passed by. after a few more conversations and discussing , ganyu got up from her seat and looked at zhongli.

"i should be heading back now. i'll make sure to come by when i have time. and also please keep those notes for future reference."

zhongli nodded in agreement. "indeed. please stay safe when you return back. xiao can escort you back if it is favorable to you." y/n grinned and elbowed xiao. she looked at the yaksha.

"no it's alright-"

"yeah. xiao you should probably take ganyu home."

with a sigh , xiao reluctantly got up from the chair and stood next to the adepti. he opened the door.

"we shall head off."

"stay safe you twoo~ !"

the female giggled to herself in satisfaction. she turned her attention to zhongli. he was still busy reading the notes ganyu left behind. y/n's face softened.

"i should get going too. i'll see you tomorrow alright ?"

his golden eyes focused on her figure.

"of course."

y/n strolled over to the door , zhongli trailing from behind. he gave y/n one last look with a faint smile. she awkwardly played with her hands before inching a bit closer to him. wrapping her arms around his waist , y/n sighed while clutching onto zhongli. he wore a rather surprised face at the sight of her action.

letting him go , s/c fingers opened the door with a rather nervous and fast pace.

"s-see you later !"

and then she was gone.

"i'll see you tomorrow , lady y/n."

meanwhile , xiao and ganyu were having a slight bicker over the taste of almond tofu.


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