[ an interesting team ]

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"so this is where xiao is having his first game... right ?"

zhongli stood beside you as he held a paper map in his hand. there was a large school building in front of you , a few students chattering below the cloudy weather. "it seems like it. now we just need to find the volleyball team." e/c eyes scanned around to look for a bus with karasuno's students.

"wait- is that hinata ?"

"i'm sorry , i'm sorry tanaka !"

the two walked over to find hinata bent over , tanaka holding a plastic bag while the other members exited the bus. xiao looked awkfully distressed and annoyed.

"like i said , don't worry about it. never mind me... are you all right ?"

"yes. i rested a little on the way here. i feel better now that i'm off the bus."

is hinata okay ?

you approached the group. "is there something wrong ?" hinata and tanaka swung their heads over to you. "y-y/n ! i didn't know you were coming here. and yeah , everything's good i hope.... hinata just got a little sick on the way here." tanaka laughed. he placed a hand on his shoulder. "we're counting on you for today's match hinata."

now the poor guy looked even worse.

i... don't think hinata's okay.

sugawara gritted his teeth. "tanaka ! don't pressure him !" he made an 'x' shape with his pale fingers. the bald-headed boy simply tilted his head in confusion. "huh ? what's that ?"

at this point hinata was practically shaking in dear. "i'll... i'll... i'll do my b-" his sentence was cut off by gagging. "i'm going to use the restroom !" tanaka smiled. "first the top ! than the bottom ! you seem to be a busy guy !"

kageyama rolled his eyes , proclaiming to knock some 'courage' into him as sugawara desperately attempted to stop him.

"...what...." you whispered. zhongli seemed unfazed.

xiao approached the two of you , a scowl lacing his lips. "damn mortals can't even handle a mere dillema. i'm starting to wonder why i've joined this team." he said with a growl.

this time you both were unfazed by his words , while the volleyball team had their mouths agape and eyes filled with concern.

tanaka giggled and wrapped an arm wound xiao's shoulder , startling the poor adepti.

"cmon xiao , loosen up a bit ! this is your first game too , maybe you might learn something from this." he said with his usual happy voice. xiao gritted his teeth and swatted his arm away. "don't touch me."

he frowned. "aw man... alright." tanaka then placed both of his hands on y/n and zhongli's shoulder. "well how about you two follow us to the gym ? can't afford you two getting lost-"

xiao reluctantly pulled his arm away from the two with a grim expression. "don't touch them either." his aura was awfully protective.

"y-yes sir..."


"he's too egocentric..."

"i see , well i guess since he went to karasuno , his power as a player must be something in the past. besides , all i know about karasuno is that their manager is a beauty."

"wait- for real ?!"

"yeah. she's really sexy. there's also this crazy dude there apparently. he's got a bald face and big eyes , looks real stupid too."

the two male student's conversations were cut off by tanaka himself peeking over the wall. his face was dramatically darkened and eyes wide , mouth turned into a strange smile. yamaguchi , kageyama , xiao , and tsukishima also entered the scene.

the light brown haired boy was the first to speak , or rather , stutter. "u-uhm..."

"don't underestimate us too much... or else we'll eat you alive." tanaka stated. midnight black crows began flying towards the cloudy sky. hearing his words , they both tensed up and felt chills behind their back.

tsukishima smirked. "you shouldn't speak like that to them tanaka." his glasses lit up. literally.

"look now , you scared those poor elites. now i feel so so sorry for them." the blonde said with a mocking tone.

"w-were not intimidated !!" the black haired boy with onion like hair declared.

the spiker simply teased them more. "oh you're right. we should save all the bullying for the match."

all of a sudden , daichi sweeped through and gritted his teeth.

"you guys !"


"i can't leave you guys alone !" he continued on. the captain then dragged tanaka and forced him to bow respectfully. "we apologize !"

"oh- it's all right."

tanaka gave the aoba johnsai players a pissed off glare. "stop that look right now tanaka."

the group then walked off , kageyama following them lastly with xiao shortly behind.

the onion head cockily smiled as if he wasn't shaking for dear life five minutes ago.

"it's been awhile , king. what sort of dictatorship do you belong to these days ? i'm looking forward to seeing it in the match."

now tanaka really had it , rolling up his sleeves for a fight. daichi held him by the collar and sighed.

rather , kageyama simply looked up innocently.


and then he got hit in the back by sugawara and daichi.


"ohhhh dearest manager ganyuuuu ! our beauty ganyuuuu ! the best girl named ganyuuuuu !"

matsukawa and hanamaki said in a sing-song way as they both approached the adepti.

"you two... there's no need to say that." she said with a smile. the two boys giggled.

ganyu continued to write a few things on her notebook while matsukawa continued his sentence. "well , are you ready for the game against karasuno ? we're probably gonna beat their asses !"

"yeah you tell em matsukawa !"

"yeah ! hype me up best friend !"

"yeah love you best friend !"

"yeah i love you too- wait- hanamaki... for real ?"

ganyu quickly snapped up at the sound of 'karasuno' as she felt her heart race.

"wait... the game was today ?"


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