• sight of youth •

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it was cold.

no , it was warm.

wait no , it was freezing. it felt as though she was stuck in dragonspine with no hope.

turns out it was blazing of heat.

what was this feeling ?

actually , where is she ?


"-/n ! y/n !! get up , your getting late for school !"

e/c eyes jerked open as y/n stood up from a rather comfortable bed. looking around her unfamiliar room , she bit her lip as confusion rushed through her body.

the fuck ?

it was a white room with a window covered with white linen curtains. there was a desk on the far left corner and a brown wardrobe next to y/n. a futon blanket covered her small figure and she stared at the mirror next to the wardrobe. there was a pair of clothes neatly folded in front of the glass display. picking them up , she analyzed her "room" carefully.

wheres zhongli ? wait where am i ?

y/n was still wearing her orange and brown colored hanfu with her hairclip still in place.

"y/n ! i said get up now and get ready for school !"

school ?

the god compromised and decided to just play along , for now , later she can learn more about what exactly happened. wasn't she supposed to be in mondstadt ? strange really.

she put on the white dress shirt and cream-colored vest , typing the ribbon carefully while slipping on her navy skirt after. y/n wore her usual white socks and picked up her dark blazer. looking at her hanfu , she picked up her geo vision and pinned it on her waist , she looked around the building carefully.

this clothing.. i've never seen anything like it.

that is , until someone threw a blue bag at her.

"y/n ! hurry up before you're late to school my goodness !"

"who are y-"

"don't ask silly questions and get out of this house it's you're the first day at karasuno for goodness sake !"

kara...su..no ?

e/c eyes stared at the woman yelling at her. she tilted her head to the side and opened her mouth to speak only to be pushed out the door by the lady.

this place doesn't look like liyue or mondstadt.. actually it doesn't look like teyvat at all.

she looked around before feeling a light tap on the shoulder. flinching by the sudden surprise , y/n turned around and was met face to face with a seelie.

"wh-wha- what are you doing here ?!"

"no need to ask questions. i just ended up here to help you around i guess. the new world you're in... it's easy to leave here ya know."

"eh ?"

new world ?

"no need to ask questions. i just ended up here to help you around i guess. the new world you're in... it's easy to leave here ya know." the seelie circled around her.

"eh ?"

y/n stared at the creature with a confused expression , which changed to a deadpan. she gripped onto the handle of her schoolbag with a stoned face.

local god | zhongli x f.readerWhere stories live. Discover now