[ ending pt 2 ]

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(( long chapter up ahead like srsly... about 1500 words))

you could still feel your grip on zhongli's hand as you felt a surge of energy through your body , colors flying all over your vision. there was a cold feeling in the air.

a bubbly sound could be heard. it reminded you of when paimon would appear and dissapear out of thin air.

"... cheap and tasty chop suey !"

what the fuck ?

you slowly opened your eyes , the scenery looking familiar to you. there was a young girl throwing some crumbs of bread to pigeons and people conversing while listening to a man tell stories on a small area of liyue harbor. a vast ocean was displayed and showed a whole view of guyun stone forest.

"what... wh- what ?!"

zhonglis arm was snaked around your wrist , his hand holding yours gently. you looked around in shock and embarassment.

"we're back... zhongli !"

he smiled. "it seems like it."

you noticed that your h/c hair was still slightly wet from the bath you had a few weeks ago , and there were also the same exact people in the same places they were at. a feeling set into your mind.

"did time never pass when we were gone... ?"

zhongli slowly let go of you , humming. "it seems so." he took out a gold watch in his pocket , staring at the intricate numbers. "you're right lady y/n."

he smiled. "we're finally home."


ganyu took a small bite out of her salad while xiao grumbled quietly. the three of you sat at the tea store near the stone gate , where an old man and grandma served tea to travelers.

"for the last time , i'm only marrying zhongli if he wants me to !"

the two frowned. "so you don't want to marry rex lap-"

you slammed your hand to the table. "of course i want to !" xiao and ganyu flinched. they sighed to themselves and gave each other worried looks.

"then what's stopping you from doing so ?" ganyu asked. you grimaced. "for mortals... it's weird to be dating like only a week and instantly marry. and the both of us want to-"

"well you aren't a mortal so get married already !" xiao exclaimed. he practically lost it at this point.

you gasped dramatically. "did you just yell at me ?!" ganyu also gasped in response. "you yelled at lady y/n ?!"

he made a face. "no i didn't !"

the two started to bicker quietly , xiao's elbows pushing ganyu's shoulder while the blue haired adepti simply returned his energy. you released a sigh and took a sip of your tea.

"you two... haven't grown up one bit."

ganyu frowned in response. stopping the small fight , her hands were still gripping onto xiao's violently as she spoke. "we just want you to get married to rex lapis already !"

"for once i agree with ganyu."

ganyu's eyes blanked out and her mouth hung open. "excuse me ?!"

he growled. "i said what i said !"

"now now , no need to argue."

zhongli's voice interuppted the conversation , his words flowing like velvet honey and sounding dainty like flowers. you visibly tensed up.

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