Chapter 1-5

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Friday, September 17th. 2010

Chelsea's house was massive. Given that her parents were successful business owners it wasn't surprising. Michael didn't know what her parents did. Just that it was something to do with social networking. The house was even gated off. Chelsea had to use a device similar to a garage door opener to open the gate.

Once inside Chelsea drove slowly through the garden road up to the driveway and parked next to the front door. The empty driveway signified her parents were away. Michael always felt out of place in Chelsea's home, and it wasn't just the massive difference in wealth. Everything felt far too clean. They had a live in butler named Hector who did a fantastic job. Michael and Hector got along well, and according to Chelsea, having him around was just like having a second dad. He was part of the family.

There was also a female gardener who came and worked for Chelsea's family, but didn't live there. Michael didn't know her name and rarely saw her as he never spent much time in the gardens.

Chelsea opened the front door, revealing a small entry area with a coat and shoe rack. She took off her shoes and socks, stripping down to her bare feet. Michael also took off his shoes, but kept his socks on. It didn't take long for Hector to appear around the corner and greet them.

"Good afternoon Chelsea, Michael. What brings you home so early from school?" He asked. He was everything you'd expect from a stereotypical butler. He was old, likely in his seventies, and wore the expected butler suit. He had graying dark brown hair and a wrinkled face.

"The power went out at school so everyone was dismissed early." Chelsea said without batting an eye.

"Really?" Hector asked with a raised eyebrow. "Welcome home regardless. I ask that you avoid the kitchen, as I am in the middle of washing the floor."

"Don't worry. We're just going to head up to my room." Chelsea replied.

"Very well, let me know if you need anything." Hector said before departing.

"He totally doesn't believe you." Michael laughed once he departed.

"Yeah well, it's the truth. Not much he can do about it anyway." Chelsea shrugged. "Now come on, let's load up my computer."

Michael followed Chelsea through her house. The stairs weren't far from the front door. The second floor had four bedrooms in it. Chelsea, of course, had her own. Then there was one for Hector, and Chelsea's parents. The spare room was turned into an entertainment room with exercise machines and a large screen television. It was mostly used by Chelsea's parents. Michael had only been in there once before.

Chelsea opened the door to her room and led Michael inside, closing the door behind him. No matter how many times Michael stepped foot into her room, he never got used to its size. It was as big as his living room. She had a large, and very comfortable, bed. There was a large bay window that overlooked the garden, complete with window seat. Chelsea would often sit there to read. She also had her own television hanging up on the wall across from her bed. It wasn't as big as the one in the entertainment room, but it was still bigger than the single television in Michael's house. Finally, there was the thing Michael was there for, her computer, equipped with a large flat screen high resolution monitor. Chelsea's room had it all. The only thing missing was a balcony with a hot tub on it. Her parents had the hot tub balcony and kept it to themselves.

"Wait here. I'll get something for your arm." Chelsea said. She left Michael alone in her room. Michael took a seat on her bed. The mattress longed to suck him into a nice comfortable sleep. It was one of those mattresses that conformed to your body shape, much better than the rock hard bed Michael usually slept on.

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