Chapter 7-3

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Sometime in the past...

"I was not like the others."

Chelsea was lying face first in a sea of white light. The ground wasn't solid, but somehow she did not fall through. What was this place? She sat still her legs crossed under her. All around her was bright white light, only disrupted by a few sparks of pink and red. The light was endless, but not blinding. She felt safe and warm as her previous negative thoughts melted from her.

Only after spotting the lifeless stone statue did she understand. The statue looked just like the entity that had approached her. It was the catalyst of the spell. It looked similar to the entity as well, a grey plain torso with wings. The only difference was the pedestal the statue sat on, or rather, was built into. It was a small ridged pillar where its legs should have been. Chelsea stood up not feeling afraid. She floated through the reaches of her mind, the pure aura that made up her soul until she reached the lonely statue. It made her feel sad, in a way. The inanimate object had been given life as a spell long ago, now it would return to being lifeless once again. She placed her hand on the statue's bald head, and a rush of emotion overwhelmed her.

Chelsea's eyes opened to a serene landscape. Surrounding her were basic buildings made of logs and hay. She tried to move but couldn't, but this didn't frighten her. This was life. The sun set and rose in only a moment. The people of the village walked towards Chelsea, placing their hands upon her head. In return, they were given her blessing, a small one, but one meant to bring about good health.

She was the statue in an ancient village, a shrine was built around her in worship of some god. Which god, Chelsea would never know as the statue itself didn't even know. Days flashed by in the blink of an eye. Time only slowed when offerings were placed at the statue in return for its blessing.

In only a few minutes Chelsea saw three generations of people live, love, worship, progress, and eventually die. It made her own life feel insignificant, as in the statue's eyes time moved so quickly.

As more people prayed to the statue for good health, the statue's power grew. At first Chelsea thought it was like a muscle, the more you worked it the stronger it became, but this was different. Their belief in the statue, to whatever god it was made to worship, is what fueled the blessing it gave. The more people who believed the lifeless rock could grant health the more powerful it became.

Suddenly, the vision slowed down. Days were no longer passing by in the blink of an eye. She could see the individual movements of the villagers as they went about their daily routines. It was early when he arrived. He was a man with glimmering blonde hair and jade green eyes wearing a long dark leathery coat. It looked almost like a trench coat, but it was more ancient than that, she could only assume it was some kind of cloak complete with hood. Another man stood with him wearing the same cloak, only his hood shrouded his face.

"This appears to be the statue, built to the god they worship. They call it Yahweh, one of the many gods outside of Olympus." The cloaked man explained.

"Stealing power from a god, isn't that dangerous?" The blonde man seemed worried despite his confident demeanor.

"Steal enough power and you'll become more powerful than the gods themselves." The cloaked stranger explained, his voice raspy and old.

"I understand master. I merely do not wish to anger a god until we have the power to confront them." The blonde replied obediently

"You need not worry. Their god Yahweh is powerless, I doubt it even exists." The master said.

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