Chapter 5-8

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Monday, September 27th. 2010

"Wait what?" Chelsea snapped. Michael sat alone with her in the lunch room, admiring her beauty. For some strange reason Damien was avoiding them, which was unlike him. If he wasn't a big burly linebacker Michael would have been worried.

"It's just like I told you. It was an eventful weekend." Michael explained.

"It was only one weekend and I feel so out of the loop. Go over it again." Chelsea insisted.

"Okay, so there's this kid named Alexander that has been sealing the spells as well. Meaning there are three mages now that I know of: Lom, Alexander, and I." Michael revealed.

"Mages, that's what you're calling yourself now?" Chelsea interrupted.

"That's what the girl with the sword called us." Michael explained.

"Girl with the sword?" Chelsea nearly shouted. Thankfully the lunch room was noisy enough and no one was paying them any attention. Even Simon was leaving them be.

"I didn't get to her yet. Anyway, kid named Alexander sealing the spells. He knows Brianna, that girl that stole your parking spot on Friday and some other girl named Heather who doesn't go here. We chase down Xkaein, the four armed barrier creating monster, to the nuclear power plant. He wants the place to go nuclear, Lom and I try to stop him but fail. That kid manages to talk him out of it, not even kidding, and now has his power." Michael let out a heavy breath. "That was Friday."

"Yeah, I saw on the news that some eco-terrorists were trying to protest the power plant again." Chelsea sighed. "I should have realized something was up. Anyway hurry up and catch me up so I can give you a present."

"Present?" Michael was intrigued.

"Oh yeah, something that will make our lives much easier." Chelsea grinned refusing to reveal anything more.

"Right. Saturday Brianna takes me and Alexander to the old shut down geothermal plant. Apparently that's where the seal was. Turns out it's guarded by some strange liquid silver monster. The monster was long gone with the seal by the time we got there though Brianna was able to get a sample of it to nerd up with. Then some girl, a self proclaimed mage hunter, jumps down from the railing like something out of a movie and pulls a sword on us. The sword blocks my magic, and then she pulls out her gun. Fortunately Alexander protected us with a barrier and we escaped." Michael rushed his story, anxious to hear more about the present Chelsea had mentioned.

"By moving through the walls?" Chelsea inquired.

"Exactly." Michael nodded. "Now, tell me about the present."

"Well, when you were running around sealing spells this weekend I managed to convince my parents to let you in on our phone plan." With that, Chelsea pulled out a small box and handed it to Michael. "Congratulations, you're now like every other kid in this school."

"You can't be serious!" Michael said excitedly. "Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me. It was Hector's idea. If we're going to be dealing with magic we need to have a way to communicate at all times. Last weekend was proof of that." Chelsea said. "Now, let me tell you about my Friday. It's not as exciting as yours but it's something you need to hear."

"Oh yeah, how was the game? I think Damien was upset I couldn't make it. Maybe that's why he's avoiding me."

"That's not the reason. He's avoiding you because of me." Chelsea let out a heavy sigh. "After the game he was hitting on me, like, a lot. I tried to brush it off at first as Damien just being Damien but he started to freak me out."

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