Chapter 5-13

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Tuesday, September 28th. 2010

"Yukinawa-kun." One of the other employees in the room gasped. She was a young Asian woman. She spoke to him in Japanese, surprise in her voice. Michael didn't understand her words, but knew what she was saying. Why did he do this? Without warning, Mr. Yukinawa turned his gun towards her and put a bullet into her head. The room filled with screaming as the employees began to scatter. Michael and Chelsea stood there, frozen in fear, unsure what to do as Mr. Yukinawa singly slaughtered each and every witness in the room before turning his gun back to Michael.

"And now, the power I have wanted for so long will finally be mine." He let out a dark laugh.

"Michael." Chelsea whispered between tears. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Michael wasn't sure what to do. He just stood there as if accepting his fate. A flash of green light shimmered across the room, ramming into the gun just as it shot at Michael, pushing it down and out of the way just in time. The bullet ricocheted off the floor into the window to the control room, shattering the glass. Apparently it wasn't bullet proof after all. Prae floated in front of Michael.

"You need to escape now!" She yelled. Michael knew that even without her magical advice guiding him.

"Drakin!" Michael took the chance now that Mr. Yukinawa was off guard. He shot flames forward, burning Yukinawa and pushing him back. The man's suit caught fire and he quickly ripped it off, revealing plain clothing underneath. Mr. Yukinawa quickly pointed the gun at Michael and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. He had emptied his magazine already killing all of his coworkers. For the first time he saw fear in Mr. Yukinawa's eyes.

"Don't kill him!" Prae screamed.

"Why not?" Michael hissed. "Look at what he's done!"

"Killing him will be worse than leaving him alive. I don't know why, just trust me!" Prae pleaded.

"Michael, don't." Chelsea stammered unable to speak much at all. She looked like she was about to throw up. Michael looked around the room, it had become a bloody mess. Yukinawa attempted to reload his gun as Michael fought his inner desire to end his life.

"Visceria." Michael pulled energy from the lights of the building, electrifying the fallen man. Mr. Yukinawa's body jolted like he was having a seizure. Michael knew this wouldn't kill him, but it rendered him unconscious even if only for a couple of minutes. "He's alive, come on." He yelled to Chelsea. Chelsea didn't waste any time. The two of them escaped out the front door and into the convertible the woman had parked next to the black van. Chelsea's hands were shaking as she started the car, and with a screech, pulled out of the driveway quickly. She was still crying as she sped down the road as quickly as she could. Once they were significantly far enough away she pulled over into one of the uncrowded back roads and parked the car.

"Michael." She flung herself forward, burying herself in his chest. "He killed them all." She sobbed still shaking with fear. Michael wasn't sure what to say, he just held her tightly. "He killed them all." She kept repeating.

"It's okay Chelsea, we're safe." Michael whispered back to her. He was surprised that he wasn't in a similar state. Had he become so battle hardened already? No, he would be just like her sobbing uncontrollably if she wasn't there. Right now he had to take care of her. Chelsea was always pure hearted. She tried to hide it due to peer pressure but she wanted to make the world a better place, to save people. It was why she was doing her job shadow at the hospital, to become a nurse. Now she had witnessed true evil for the first time. It burned her once untainted soul. Michael felt pain in his heart. He was regretting not ending Mr. Yukinawa's life when he had the chance. It would come back to haunt him, he knew it, yet at the same time he believed Prae. If he had killed him, what would he have become? It was a line he had yet to cross, and what would Chelsea think of him if he ever did?

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