Chapter 6-6

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Wednesday, September 29th. 2010

"He's lost too much blood."

"He's not going to make it."

"There's too much internal bleeding."

"He'll need a miracle."

Monochrome. Everything was black and white. Alexander's eyes opened lightly to see everything frozen around him. It looked like he was in a hospital room. Machines were attached to him, monitoring his heart rate, or rather, they would have been if time wasn't frozen. An EMT hovered over him holding some kind of apparatus meant to assist Alexander in breathing. It wasn't a hospital room after all, it was the back of an ambulance. The strangest thing was the peace Alexander felt. He assumed he was dead, or at least dying. He didn't want to die, but he didn't feel fear either.

Alexander attempted to move but couldn't. Every inch of his body was paralyzed. He couldn't even shift his eyes to get a better view of his surroundings. Alexander compared the sensation to sleep paralysis. Something he had only felt a couple of times before in the past.

Alexander wasn't sure how much time passed in what he decided to name the unmoving realm. When something did happen, he felt it shouldn't have. Appearing in a greenish glow, similar to the light from Michael's guidance spell, was a strange creature unlike anything Alexander had seen before.

At first it looked human, only it no bottom half. Instead it was kept afloat on gray wings that emerged from the back. There was not an inch of hair on its chest or head. There weren't even any nipples, giving it the sensation of a mere outline of a human torso. Its face had only eyes, no mouth nor nose. The green light emitting from the creature was the only source of color in the entire room, giving everything in Alexander's view a green tint.

"Do not fear, I am here to help you." Despite its words, and despite the disturbing calm Alexander had felt earlier, he was afraid now. It hovered closer to Alexander. He struggled to move attempting to escape from whatever hold kept him still. He couldn't speak. He couldn't even blink as the creature flew over him. With of a flap of its wings everything went dark once again.

Alexander awoke with a jolt, sitting up and gasping desperately for air.

"Don't move you're hurt, I'll get the doctor." He heard Heather's voice. He looked around at his new surroundings. He was in a hospital room, a real one this time. The walls were empty and he was hooked up to devices. His heartbeat was faster than normal, but remained steady. Heather and Satori had been sitting in chairs near him as he lay in bed, though Heather was already halfway out the door by the time he noticed her. The shallow cuts on Satori's arms were all covered with bandages now. She still had a heavy bruise on her face suggesting she had been beaten hard.

"Satori?" Alexander let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner." Satori simply smiled, as if to let him know she was okay. Alexander knew better. Her eyes looked weary suggesting she had been crying a lot recently. Alexander inspected his own wound. He felt no pain. In fact, he felt completely rejuvenated. It was as if he could run for miles. "Where are the others?" Alexander asked. Before Satori could gesture, people burst into the room. Mr. Reynolds led the group, followed by two doctors and Heather.

Alexander looked up at Mr. Reynolds in fright. He was with Hyakume industries. The man that had been taking care of him all this time was now an enemy.

"Don't worry, Fiona has told me everything." Mr. Reynolds blurted out upon seeing Alexander's expression. "I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you." The doctors made their way to the machines, inspecting each of them. One of them, an African American woman, spoke first.

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