Chapter 3-7

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Tuesday, September 21st. 2010

The plan was simple. Faerina would lead Alexander to the seal and then it would be up to him. Of course, it was only simple to Faerina. Alexander had no clue how he was going to get this being back into the seal if at all. He didn't even know what the seal even looked like. He imagined the aquatic creature for a moment, but decided it probably wasn't that.

Alexander had begrudgingly put his uniform back on as it was far better than running around the city at night in his pajamas. He stood in front of the hotel's entrance. It was a cold night and the streets were still alive. The hotel was located somewhere downtown and the night was still young. Alexander looked around the best he could. He wasn't the tallest person in the world so it meant looking around people who walked down the sidewalks.

It took him nearly ten minutes before finding a glimpse of Faerina. She appeared as a dim white silhouette in an alleyway for only a moment. A couple of heads turned but shrugged the vision away as their eyes playing tricks on them. Alexander walked briskly along the sidewalk. He didn't want to run and risk drawing anyone's attention to him.

The Alleyway was between a restaurant and some office building. There was a large dumpster that smelled horrible. He walked along as inconspicuous as possible until the alley came out to a less busy street.

Faerina repeated the process, leading Alexander down alleyways and other less crowded paths for over an hour. The further he walked the sparser the crowds came it became until he reached a section of the city where there was no housing, just a large rundown building. Alexander recognized it as the shutdown geothermal power plant. It was built to one day replace the nuclear power plant as a cleaner option, but was considered a failed project. Once it failed the state never bothered to reopen it. He was quite young at the time and wasn't sure of all the details.

The plant was completely walled off by a chain link fence with barbed wire on top. There was an old do not enter sign plastered on the locked gateway. Faerina appeared near Alexander. There was no one else around to see her.

"Took you long enough to get here." She mocked. "A con of being alive I suppose." Alexander jumped at her sudden appearance.

"I'll take the pros despite the cons." He retorted.

"We don't all have that choice." Her voice suddenly dropped to a cold envious tone. She floated backwards directly through the chain link fence as if it weren't there at all, glaring at him the entire time. "If you fail to put me back you will be the first I kill." She faded.

A shiver ran down Alexander's back as he recalled what she said. Her mind was breaking apart and soon she would go completely insane. He considered running away, but that would solve nothing. She had already proven her power to appear wherever, whenever.

If she became even more unstable it meant that not only would his life be on the line but others as well. Given that she had mentioned Satori numerous times it meant that she could be the second killed. He had to find a way into the plant. He walked along the chain link fence hoping there would be a tear somewhere to let him inside.

"What's taking so long? Get inside now!" Faerina appeared suddenly in front of him. She reached out, grabbing his shoulder, and with one single motion pushed him at the fence. He expected to feel the cold metal slam against his face as he flew towards it. Instead he felt nothing as he passed through it just as she had done previously. He fell to the dirty ground as his mind attempt to process how he just passed through the solid fence.

"I'm sorry." Faerina's voice was soft. She was in front of him now and helped him to his feet. "I didn't mean to do that. That's what he used me for so often. I don't want to be like that anymore. I just want to rest." She began to cry again.

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