Chapter 4-9

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Friday, September 24th. 2010

Michael nearly broke the door off of its hinges he was inside of his house so fast. One of his biggest worries was the spells choosing to go after his family. If anything hurt them because of him he would never be able to forgive himself. Fortunately it was just Abigail over reacting, sort of.

The four others followed Michael inside looking to see what was going on. She was pointing to the television eagerly, gasping with sheer anxiety. A news report had interrupted Abigail's hippos. A male reporter sat there reading words carefully off of a teleprompter. From his expression it was clear he was getting the news for the first time just as the rest of the world.

In the background was live footage of helicopters flying over a city building Michael didn't recognize at first until the giant smoke stacks were shown. It had to be the nuclear power plant. Massive black trucks were in the parking lot outside the building as men in dark clothing, bullet proof vests, and large assault rifles stood in formation, ready to enter.

"The intruders have managed to set up multiple barriers preventing the team from entering the compound. They are currently looking for another way in. The terrorists have yet to make demands or any sign of contact. Hold on I'm getting something. We turn you now to the Mayor." The news channel flickered immediately showing the city's mayor standing at a podium surrounded by a large crowd, most of them news reporters.

"I assure you despite the situation there is no threat to the city's citizens. There are hundreds, no, thousands of safeguards in place to prevent any kind of nuclear meltdown. We believe this to be the work of an extremist environmentalist group attempting to shut down the plant." The mayor explained in a rustic old voice.

"Do you plan on calling for evacuation of the city?" A female reporter asked.

"That is not necessary at this time. I assure you that the situation is fully handled. We have had cases like this in the past, just never to this extent." The mayor replied quickly and politically.

"Do you think dad is okay? He's in the city right now." Abigail looked up to Michael helplessly.

"I'm sure he's fine Abigail." Michael put a hand on his sister's shoulder, causing her to panic and shift away from him. Truthfully he was just happy that she was okay. The only guilt he felt from releasing the spells was putting his family in danger.

"Why would environmentalists invade a nuclear power plant like that?" Heather asked, letting the obvious settle in. It was clearly the work of Four Arms. "We should check it out!"

"I can't leave Abigail here alone." Michael insisted, turning to the others. If his father came home and found her alone he would get into so much trouble.

"I'll be fine if you want to go check on dad." Abigail replied quickly. Thankfully she assumed the only reason Michael would want to investigate is to check on their father. "I'll just sit here and watch TV. Just bring me back food."

"Yeah, you'd like that too much. I can't let you stay alone, what if something happened?" Michael chose his words carefully. He didn't want to bring up his sister's condition and embarrass her in front of everyone. She had fallen in the past and been unable to get up, it was rare that it would happen and Michael didn't understand the cause, but it was a risk he wasn't willing to take.

"Come on, she's a big girl fully capable of handling herself." Heather grabbed Michael's arm and tugged on it, anxious to get out there.

"I'm not leaving her here." Michael shook his head. Before anyone could say anything else, the Japanese girl stepped forward. She sat on the couch next to Abigail like nothing was wrong, then looked back to the group.

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