Ready, Set, Go

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Freddie POV:

As soon as Sam and I got the Groovy Smoothie, Sam told me where to sit and to give her money to pay of course. When I sat down at the table my phone vibrated.

When I looked at it I saw that Carly had texted me.

Carly: My dad said that I could move back to Seattle :-).

Once I read it I was full of such joy that Carly is coming back and the "gang" would be back together again.

I texted back to her "Yay I am so happy you're coming back and the gang is finally back together.

"What do you mean the gang is back together isn't Sam in L.A?".

"No, she just came back today".

Carly: Omg really yay now I can't wait to see you guys.

Me: I can't wait to see you either.

Soon enough Sam came with our smoothies. I slid my phone in my pocket. I felt it vibrate but I didn't want Sam to know that Carly was coming I wanted it to be a surprise.

Sam said to me "Here you go Fredbag". She placed my smoothie in front of me.

I said "Thanks".

Then I asked, "Um where is my change?".

"Oh I have it in my pocket," she said.

"Well, can I have it," I said.

She said "No thanks I think I'll keep it," she said with a greedily evil smile on her face.

"Whatever". When I took a sip of my smoothie I couldn't believe that it was strawberry banana my favorite.

"Wow, I can't believe she knows me so well".

The thought of that made me blush extremely hard.

Sam said, "Yo Benson I got to go pee I'll be right back I'm gonna hit the can".

"Ok," I said in a disgusted tone.

"Talk about TMI". I thought to myself. Sam got up and left to the bathroom.

I checked my phone and saw that Carly left me a message that said: "Yeah I can't wait to see you either we need to talk about the kiss".

The thought of Carly wanting to talk about the kiss made me have butterflies in my stomach.

Sam POV:

After I finished using the can, I came out and saw that Freddie was on his phone texting away.

"Who could he be texting the only people he knows is me and Carly".

Then it hit me Freddie was constantly texting Carly. The thought of it made me start to boil up inside.

"What does this mean do I like Fredward".

I got closer to see if I was able to read the texts. I got close enough to read it. I hid behind a nearby plant and got a glimpse of the texts. This is what it said

Carly: Yeah I can't wait to see you either we need to talk about the kiss.

"What kiss wait did they kiss before she left?

"Wait why do I care?"

"Fredbag can date whoever he wants"

But the thought of it made me jealous

"Oh no I have feelings for the little twerp, again"

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