Sequel Name + Author Note

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Hello, everyone. Wow I can't believe it has been over a years since I wrote this story and since I have joined wattpad, since then this story has over 15,000 reads, and I just want to thank all of you people for reading this amateur story, I guess people really liked it,  hopefully, you have moved on to my other stories I will have their names below so you can go check it out. Now for more important things the sequel to this story is in fact called 'How Long Will We Last?' If you have read the epilogue then you know what happens, and the story will elaborate on what happens five-years later, it's very short and sweet well mostly at the end, but I will not spoil it for you people hope you go and read it, and if you think I should make a third book let me know.

Here are the names of my other stories:

Half-Blood:  An original vampire story about a young girl and a boy who are trying to survive in the supernatural world, while everyone is trying to kill them.

Living With One Direction: A story about a girl who trues not to fall in love again after her first heartbreak, which is really hard since she is living with the five hottest boys in the world.

Living With No Direction: The sequel of Living With One Direction, tells the story of what happens one year later, and years before .

How Long Will We Last?:  Sequel to this story, tells about what happens in their lives five years later.

Lastly,  I would love to thank all of you for reading this story, and for just being you. I wouldn't be anywhere with out you guys and I chat wait to see what the future has in store for us. Hope you have a  wonderful day, Love you all. Later

-Tay <3

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