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5 years later

~Carly POV~

I felt the nerves flow throughout my entire body. I couldn't believe that this was really happening. I was sweating so much and I couldn't help but start to cry. I started to hyperventilate, my make up started to run. "Come on carls don't cry " Melony , Sam's twin sister said and hugged me.

"Just relax you love him right?" she said. I nodded in response.

"Well then pretend that it's just you guys up there, now come on and let me fix your makeup you look like a mess" she said pulling towards the back of the church. She fixed my makeup and hugged me as we made our way back to the doors. My dad came up next to me and we got into escort position, he kissed my forehead. The doors opened and we started to walk and "Here comes the bride" started to play.

As we walked immediately locked eyes with Freddie. He was smiling at me with a huge grin on his face, he even started to cry. I couldn't help but cry too. Luckily Melony put water resistant mascara on so I'm good. We made our way to the front of the church. Me and Freddie locked eyes the whole time and we never released. My dad kissed my cheek and let me go. I placed my hands in Freddie's and kept looking into his eyes as tears streamed down his face. They were tears of joy. The smile never left his face and I'm pretty sure mine's didn't either.

In this moment I didn't care about anything else, not the psychopaths that went to jail for ten years for kidnapping and second degree injuries to Freddie, not how my hair looked or the horrible look on my face as I cried all I cared about was us and our moment. As the pastor went through the ceremony words I wasn't really listening I just couldn't keep my eyes of Freddie. He looked so handsome in his black suit, pink tie and a white flower at the top right of his shoulder. "I do" he said.

He mouthed ' I love you' and smiled. I mouthed 'I love you too' back to him.

"And do you Carly Elizabeth Shay take Freddie Gregory Benson as your loftly wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and health, for rich or poor as long as you both shall live?".

"I do" I said.

"By the power vested in me , I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the pastor said. Freddie grabbed me and dipped me and kissed me. At this moment I knew that he is the one for me. Even though I felt like I always knew.

It's me and him against the world

~The End~

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